Sponsor: Driving Safety Research Institute
© 2023 - DSRI | The University of Iowa
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Human Interaction with Driving Automation Systems (HIDAS)

The Driving Safety Research Institute, home of the National Advanced Driving Simulator is seeking healthy adults to participate in a series of driving automation studies. You can only participate in one of the three studies in the series.

Why: Examine how humans interact with driving automation systems (DAS) across different mixed traffic situations and different levels of driving automation. Driving automation systems are vehicle technologies that control some portion of the driving task. Mixed traffic situations are those in which there are vehicles with and without varying degrees of automated control.

Platform: All three studies use the NADS-1 simulator with motion. Study 1 also uses the NADS-2 non-motion simulator. You would be randomly assigned to a simulator for Study 1.

Compensation: $36 per hour of participation

Time Commitment: 1 visit lasting approximately 2.5 hours

If you are interested in participating, please visit the following link for more information and to complete an online eligibility questionnaire:

• Aged 18 or older
• Be in good general mental and physical health
• Comfortable using email on a cell phone and willing to engage in an email task while driving the simulator
• Drive at least once weekly or at least 2,000 miles annually
• Hold a valid U.S. driver’s license
• Must meet other eligibility qualifications

If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to email us at dsri-recruit@uiowa.edu. Please reference “HIDAS” when emailing.
For more information:
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Where are we located?

The Driving Safety Research Institute (DSRI) is located in the University of Iowa Research Park, just north of Coral Ridge Mall.


Looking for directions? Signed up for a study but have more questions?
Contact one of our research team members by contacting us via email at dsri-recruit@uiowa.edu