Difference between revisions of "ISAT User Guide Table of Contents"

(Scenario Testing and Debugging)
(Scenario Hints)
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'''Note:''' although the example above uses an environment condition boundary, '''it is possible''' to omit the defined region, retaining all commands and the scenario will still function.  However, without the environment region, it becomes more difficult to determine where conditions are different from the standard settings.
'''Note:''' although the example above uses an environment condition boundary, '''it is possible''' to omit the defined region, retaining all commands and the scenario will still function.  However, without the environment region, it becomes more difficult to determine where conditions are different from the standard settings.
==Scenario Hints==
===Scenario Hints===
The total number of scenario elements active at any given time can affect simulator performance:
The total number of scenario elements active at any given time can affect simulator performance:
Line 855: Line 855:
Object deletion
Object deletion
*Remove objects when no longer needed
*Remove objects when no longer needed
When creating dynamic elements, create them as close to where they are needed as possible.
Some development/setup testing may be needed to determine precise location/distance/speed; i.e., locating ADOs for a freeway ramp merge event where the external driver is merging onto the freeway.
A straightforward way to determine where the ADOs are first visible to the driver is to mock up a scenario placing colored ADOs along the freeway with a velocity of 0.  This will ensure the ADOs remain stationary while the scenario author determines where they are first visible to the external driver.
Place the start position/external driver far enough up the ramp to be a reasonable test for the actual scenario.
As you drive the ramp, see which ADO is first visible to the driver.  Place ADOs just out of view (upstream) of that location.
==Scenario Testing and Debugging==
==Scenario Testing and Debugging==

Revision as of 17:03, 26 February 2019


Who should use this document?

Anyone learning to use the NADS Interactive Scenario Authoring Tool (ISAT) to create scenarios for simulation, or who is interested in learning more about ISAT, ISAT elements or creating scenarios.

This user guide contains an introduction to the ISAT interface and how to use ISAT for various tasks during the creation of scenario files (also known as scenario authoring).

Example scenarios are provided to help illustrate concepts and tasks.

Conventions Used in this Document

This section contains abbreviations and conventions used as a shortened description to make spelling out every step using text unnecessary.

  • BLI roadmap of the road network constructed using the Tile Mosaic Tool (TMT)
  • CTRL or Ctrl Press the Control (Ctrl) key
  • CTL-<some other key> Press and hold the Ctrl and then press <some other key>. Most typically used for copy (CTRL-C) or paste (CTRL-V).
  • LMB Left mouse button
  • DblClk Double click LMB
  • MMB Middle mouse button (or scroll wheel as button)
  • RMB Right mouse button

Words or phrases separated by >> indicate the word or phrase after >> is a child of the word or phrase preceding these characters. For example, to describe inserting a Traffic Source in ISAT from the Insert menu:

LMB Insert >> Coordinators >> Source >> LMB
NOTE: LMB is assumed for all menu items and may not be explicitly included

For commands entered into a DOS command line interface (CLI) window, characters within <> are intended as generic and should be replaced in your CLI with the actual file name, without the <> characters

<Enter> or (Enter) means to press the Enter key

Demonstration Scenarios

Demonstration scenario files have been provided to assist with learning how to use ISAT or the mechanics of specific actions or sequences of actions as examples and are not intended to be examples of completed scenarios unless identified as such.

These demo scenarios should not be considered actual scenarios, because they often lack supporting event logging (logstreams) as well as lacking any general context in terms of an overall scenario. The demo scenarios are intentionally simplistic and intended only to provide working examples of specific topics or actions.

Using Demo Scenarios

You may use the demo scenarios in ISAT for rehearsal or import and drive them on miniSim. Feel free to copy isat elements from the demo scenario files for use in your own scenarios as needed.

ISAT Overview & Interface Basics

This section contains information about ISAT and the ISAT interface.

What is ISAT?

ISAT is the NADS Interactive Scenario Authoring Tool. ISAT is used to create simulation scenarios:

  • 2D roadmap viewer
  • Native file format: SCN (scenario.scn)

Requires a roadmap (BLI)


ISAT is not an object editor for creating or modifying 3D model objects, signs or roads.

miniSim Scenario Components Overview*

The following diagram illustrates the context of scenario authoring to provide an overview of related components.

MiniSim scenario compnents.png
  • See the NADS miniSim user guide for miniSim simulator architecture details

TBC hyperlink to miniSim user guide & page ref

What is a Scenario?

A scenario defines everything that happens to the driver during a simulation.

Uses Actions and events to control the scenario; i.e., familiarization or restart drive, hazard detection & recognition or obstacle avoidance.

  • Coupled to a roadmap (BLI)
  • Scenario behaviors (responsible for executing scenarios) run at 30Hz

Anatomy of a Scenario

Scenarios typically have an initialization period followed by one or more events. A final event is the last event to occur before simulation is terminated.

Anatomy of a scenario.png

Scenario events may contain one or more actions.

Scenario files are text files

  • Can be edited by a text editor
  • Portions of a scenario file can be generated programmatically:
    • ISAT ISC
    • Python
    • Shell script
Scenario as text.png

This diagram shows the same scenario in (left to right) ISAT, Emacs and Notepad++ text editors

Scenario Text File

Typically you can borrow elements from other scenario files by copying elements from one scenario and pasting them into another using a text editor or isat.

  • If editing text, always check your edits in ISAT!
  • Copy/Paste - delete paths from elements when the BLI is different between your source & destination BLI files:
ADO, roadpad, time to arrival, etc.

NOTE: A Traffic Source is not a portable element

Re-create it in ISAT or integrate it via text file

How can I find information in multiple files easily?

Text files are easy to examine in a command (shell) window.

Example search for time trigger in all scenario files: >grep TimeTrigger *.scn | grep ISAT | grep Name <Enter>

ISAT-Samples-Avoid.scn: Name "TimeTrigger1"
ISAT-Samples-Avoid.scn: Name "TimeTrigger2"
ISAT-Samples-Avoid.scn: Name "TimeTrigger3"
ISAT-Samples-Avoid.scn: Name "TimeTrigger1"

How to know what to look for in the scenario text file?

If you know what to look for in a scenario GREP can help you locate files containing that element or text quickly.

What if you don't know what to look for? How do you find something when you don't have any idea what to look for?

  • Create a new scenario
  • Create the scenario element you need or are looking for:
ADO, Trigger/Coordinator
Give the element a unique name that you can search for in the text file
  • Save the file, then edit the file in a text editor
Find the element name to see element syntax and parameters

TBC: Insert demonstration to find an expression trigger that relates to the speed of the ownship

What is a Scenario Event?

A scenario event is made from one or more actions created to present situational information to the external driver (research participant, trainee or simulation viewer) in some logical sequence;

force a vehicle to change speed
force a vehicle to brake, change lanes or turn
create or destroy scenario elements


change scenario elements:
initialize variables
change traffic signal state

Typical Scenario Events

  • When the external driver approaches a specified location, cause oncoming traffic to veer into the drivers' lane to force a driver response
  • As the external driver approaches a specified location, control ambient traffic to expose a vehicle stopped in the drivers' lane
  • When the Time to Arrival (to a specified location) is 4 seconds, change the traffic signal to yellow and activate traffic stopped at the intersection (aka red light runner)

What is an Action?

Actions are specific commands that happen intentionally during a simulation:

  • Time, situational, calculation or location based
  • Caused by the external driver or some other action, hardware configuration or calculation
can create or delete objects, including other scenario elements


Typically actions are linked with other actions to create a scenario event as shown in the figure above.

Typical Actions

  • Activate a scenario element
  • Calculate something:
-Time to arrival (TTA)
-Time to collision (TTC)
  • Check state of simulator or driver
  • Create something (any scenario element)
  • Destroy a scenario element
  • End simulation (terminates the current drive)
  • Play a sound
  • Set a variable
  • Set ADO vehicle speed (not the external driver)

ISAT Modes of Operation

ISAT modes of operation.png

  • Edit
  • Rehearsal
  • DAQ playback
  • Monitor Currently not available

Edit & Rehearsal Modes

  • Edit - this is where scenario authors will spend the most time.
Creation or modification of scenario
Link to or import portions of other scenario elements

Mode edit.png

  • Rehearsal
Debug & test scenario
Simulates scenario using Behaviors and Vehicle Dynamics
Displays error messages from behaviors

Mode rehearsal.png

NOTE: Rehearsal mode simulates the external driver; your simulation may not respond as expected:

i.e., if the driver was instructed to 'remain on the right lane', the simulated ownship may not stay in the desired lane
Some control of the simulated ownship is possible in ISAT using the Rehearsal Mode >> Advanced Options panel
speed, lane changes

Playback Mode

  • Playback mode will play back a DAQ file from a miniSim drive
  • Can search for specific conditions; i.e. CFS_Brake_Pedal_Force > 0.1
  • Display data streams
  • Graph collected data (limited to single cells)
  • Record a video file of the playback

Mode playback.png

miniSim Scenario Components

The following diagram shows an overview of scenario related components of the NADS miniSim and how these components work together.

MiniSim scenario components wDAQ.png

ISAT Workspace

ISAT uses standard Windows[TM] graphical user interface conventions such as floating windows/panels/dialogs and dockable widgets.

The primary region where the road network and placed scenario elements are shown is known as the workspace. In the default layout, menus are located across the top of the interface. A region of icons is located beneath the menu region. Additional ISAT widgets may be positioned along the right or left edges of the interface.

Isat workspace general.png

In cases where ISAT needs to place an element, notice the cursor changes to an insert element cursor when you select from menus or icons.

The menu and icon widgets require a LMB to access and place into the workspace. For the ISAT elements widget, LMB and drag the element into the workspace.

ISAT Workspace Status Bar

The status bar contains useful information to the scenario author:

  • position (continuously reports location of the cursor)

Isat status bar overview.png

When configured, the status bar can also report:

  • Name of scenario elements
  • Roadway information:
road name
default speed limit
surface material code for location under the cursor

Status Bar Settings

The status bar settings can be accessed by choosing Edit >> Preferences >>Status Bar Settings. Use the existing codes to configure the status bar to display the desired information.

Isat user prefs status bar settings.png

ISAT Iconography

ISAT provides graphic hints for triggers placed in scenario that can be useful when editing or maintaining scenarios.

The general format is a border enclosing miniature icons of the trigger and first action contained in that trigger. Additional information representing one or many actions is also shown.


ISAT will list all trigger actions when a trigger is selected, but these hints provide a way to quickly identify what actions have been authored.


  • A Roadpad trigger, one action: Traffic Light Action
  • B Roadpad trigger, multiple actions, first action is Remove Element
  • C Roadpad trigger, multiple actions, first action is Set Dial
  • D Roadpad trigger, constrained to road (lane), no actions - this is an empty trigger
  • E Roadpad trigger, multiple actions, first action is Log Data
  • F Global Time Trigger, single action: Set Dial


The element handle is the red dot visible in most of the triggers. The handle can be dragged into position, and the trigger will follow the handle

Drag the trigger off the handle to offset it's location from the handle

Measuring Distance in ISAT

To measure between two locations in ISAT:

  • measurement is a linear measurement

Press & hold Ctrl and Shift keys, RMB on roadmap/BLI Position cursor over any other location

The measurement will update dynamically to reflect the distance from the cursor to the original 'pinned' location.

TBC link to video example

Scenario Authoring & miniSim Architecture Overview

This section contains scenario authoring documentation.

ISAT Elements

ISAT objects consist of two main types: the objects that can be inserted using ISAT, and the objects already present in a roadmap/BLI.

Object types isat.png

1. Objects placed in ISAT

These are objects defined in the Scenario Object Library (SOL2) and can be placed onto a roadmap by the scenario author:
  • ADO
  • DDO
  • DDDO
  • Static Object
  • Virtual Object*
  • Trigger/Coordinator
NOTE: Virtual objects are defined in the scenario, not in the SOL2.

Object types world.png

2. Scenario world objects

These are objects that exist in the roadmap and have not been added by the scenario author. These objects may be either authorable (can be changed by the scenario author) or not (the object cannot be selected or changed in ISAT).
  • Traffic Lights
Traffic lights are embedded into intersections for traffic control purposes.
The SOL2 contains a traffic light object that can be placed in ISAT; this is not a traffic light that controls traffic. It is a static object that only looks like a traffic light and can be controlled like any other static object.
NOTE: There can be only one traffic light assigned to an intersection path. In some cases, i.e. on approach to a toll booth, multiple signals may be required visually.

ADO Scenario Object

  • Vehicles that use vehicle dynamics and are AI controlled
Exceeding vehicle dynamics capability can cause issues
i.e., if ADO must exceed 10g's, the operation will likely fail
failure may cause ADO to disappear or be planted into the ground or fly into the air and freeze
  • ADOs are 'aware' of other simulation entities
ADOs will attempt to change lanes to go around slow moving objects if this functionality is not disabled by the scenario author
ADOs may halt if they cannot move around a slow moving object or change lanes
  • The scenario author sets default ADO behaviors; i.e.:
initial velocity
turn signals
lane changes, etc.
  • RMB on ADO to specify path

TBC insert RMB ADO menu graphic

  • Actions to modify ADO behavior
Set Dial
Set Button
instruct the ADO to maintain distance relative to the driver
maintain gap
cause the ADO to do something specific; i.e.:
enable brake light
accelerate or slow or stop
change lanes

DDO Scenario Object

  • DDOs are 'dumb' objects
Do not obey traffic rules
DDOs follow a path blindly; also known as 'path follower'
Are not 'aware' of other entities within the simulation
No collision detection between the DDO and other scenario elements
  • DDOs have two modes of operation:
  1. Follow a path using kinematics
  2. Free motion object
OpenDynamicsEngine library is used to model free motion objects dynamic behavior
bouncing/rolling ball
object falling off back of truck

DDDO Scenario Object

  • Includes a target that affects DDO velocity/position along path
  • DDDOs are 'dumb' objects
Do not obey traffic rules
DDDOs follow a path blindly; also known as 'path follower'
Are not 'aware' of other entities within the simulation
No collision detection between the DDO and other scenario elements

Free Motion Object

A free motion object is a non-vehicle DDO that:

  • need to have realistic motion
  • needs to interact with the environment
simple collision detection
objects that fall off vehicles
  • static objects on road that start moving
rolling ball (i.e., on a hill or slope)

NOTE: vehicle dynamics do not apply to Free Motion Objects

Free motion objects have 3 modes:

  1. coupled
  2. relative trajectory
  3. free motion
may require a mesh file to define a portion of the road surface to react against

Change object mode using Set Dial >> DDO >> Change Mode action

TBC insert graphic

Static Object

  • Model objects are defined within the SOL2
vehicles, animals, obstacles, signs
any model object defined in the SOL2 as a static object
  • May contain multiple visual representations
options may be set as initial condition of the object, or changed during simulation using Set Dial action >> StaticObjManager
  • Can use ADO models as static objects (as defined in the SOL2)
  • Not intended to move (change position) during simulation

Traffic Signal

Traffic signals are objects with special operation and function; they are coupled to intersections and routes of travel through intersections to control traffic flow similiar to their function in the real world. Traffic signals are part of the source tile model and may not be re-positioned or physically altered by scenario except for their visual signal state appearance; i.e., red, green or yellow signals.

To control intersection traffic signals use Edit >> Traffic Light ManagerTraffic signals use a Signal State Table (SST) to control which signal states are active and when. Each intersection with traffic signals will have an associated SST.

Traffic light state manager.png

The above diagram shows an intersection in the workspace to the right, and the traffic signal state table for that intersection on the left. At this point additional states (for signal condition) can be added by clicking the Add state button.

Traffic signal state table2.png

The above diagram shows two states defined for the intersection, represented by the two columns of state condition.

Continue adding states until the desired signal cycle has been defined. Generally this consists of red, green or yellow states.

NOTE: There is currently no way to automatically author a series of traffic light signals

To author traffic signal lights in sequence or on a route, the scenario author has to manage the signal states

Traffic signal state duration.png

To edit the signal state duration RMB on the duration field header and choosing Edit state duration on the context menu. Enter the desired value then click OK.

Traffic Signal Types

The ISAT status bar reports Traffic Signal Type name. There are two signal types:

  1. Standard signal - IDs may have no identifying information
Valid signal states: Red, Yellow, Green, Flashing Red, Flashing Yellow, OFF
  1. Extended signal - The extended traffic signal type was developed to support dedicated traffic paths through intersections. These signals can be identified by the type code in their name:
NORM (normal)
uses standard signal states

Traffic light extended type name normal.png

LTRN (Left Turn)
signal states used should reflect signal type; i.e., Left Green, Left Yellow, etc.
RTRN (Right Turn)
signal states used should reflect signal type; i.e., Right Green, Right Yellow, etc.
STRT (Straight)
signal states used should reflect signal type; i.e., Straight Green, Straight Yellow, etc.

Traffic light extended type name.png

Changing Signal States in Scenario

Traffic signals are controlled in scenario by using a Traffic Signal Action to change the SST.

NOTE: The Traffic Signal Action works by changing the SST, not by changing the traffic signal. This is a subtle but important difference.

Setting a signal to an undefined state effectively does nothing to the traffic signal.

Traffic light state table.png

The above diagram shows a fully populated SST, with one signal row highlighted in red, and one state column highlighted in green. The associated intersection corridor is highlighted, showing the signal controls a dedicated left turn.

During simulation, the initial signal state is defined by the left column. As the simulation proceeds, the signal state changes according to the duration states defined across the state table, proceeding left to right and then wrapping around to the beginning after the last defined state. Each traffic signal appearance changes according to the configuration of the SST.

As a driver approaches this intersection, assume the signal state is in the column left of the highlighted column (Red), and the desired action is to change the signal to green.

The action used to change a traffic signal state is the Traffic Light Action. Using a traffic light action requires the specification of a signal state, the traffic signal to affect, and a duration.

Traffic signal action1.png

In the above diagram the scenario author has specified the desired state as Green as shown in the action dialog.

However, referring back to the previous state table diagram, there is no such state present in the SST. That means this particular action will fail, and the traffic signal will not change as the driver approaches the intersection - because the action does not create a new signal state, it works by advancing the state table condition (column) to the specified condition. If the condition is not present in the SST then nothing will appear to happen.

In this example, the action should be edited to use the correct signal state Left Turn Green, which is present in the SST.

NOTE: Accessing the traffic signal action after it has been created can be problematic!

i.e., ISAT frequently crashes when accessing the traffic signal trigger actions

Known issue traffic light action.png

Solution: Isolate traffic signal action into some other trigger, i.e. in a Time Trigger that only contains the traffic signal action. If you have to make minor edits the scenario file can be edited as text in a text editor. Major edits may require re-creating the action from scratch, if ISAT cannot access the action.

Known issue traffic light action workaround.png

Change A Traffic Light Using Scenario Action

To change a traffic signal, use the Set Dial >> Traffic Light action. NOTE: The Traffic Light action does not change the signal directly. The action simply advances the traffic light state in the signal state table.

  • If the specified target condition is not present in the signal state table, the traffic signal state does not change

Traffic light state table.png

This diagram shows a fully populated traffic signal state change for an intersection.

  • Static object traffic lights
These are objects, not true traffic signals and so they are not controlled with the Traffic Light manager.

Virtual Object

This object has a visual representation but does not exist as a 3D model in the simulated world

  • 2D shape
  • Overlay on screen of project into the scene
  • supports animation (change of unique states)

A virtual object can be one of several predefined shapes or a custom image file

  • Virtual objects will draw over scene elements during simulation
  • Virtual objects do not render accurately during scenario rehearsal

Custom (icon) file virtual objects

Virtual object custom icon file.png

Standard virtual object shape

Virtual object std shape.png


Coordinators are used to control scenario elements:

  • Intersection manager
Controls traffic within intersections
  • Traffic Light Manager
Controls traffic light signal state (signal appearance)
  • Triggers
Traffic Light trigger
Expression trigger
Roadpad trigger
Time to arrival trigger
Follow trigger


All trigger types share the same Action types

  • IF Then conditional
  • Predicate: i.e., the activating agent
If predicate is TRUE, then do Action(s)
  • Categorized by predicate type
Named element
Road (lane)
Nth vehicle on path only

Trigger Operation

One shot

Fire trigger once only


Debounce is the interval between multiple trigger activations when predicate is TRUE and actions have completed execution
Controls the 'rate of fire' of the trigger
Debounce prevents unintentional repeat execution of the trigger actions

For example, a time trigger with a debounce of 0.96 seconds and actions that take 1 frame to complete will fire once per second.

Trigger General Settings

  • Lifetime
How long the trigger is alive (active)
Default 0 means trigger lives unless the trigger is deleted
  • Activation Delay
Time after the trigger is created when it becomes active
  • Creation Radius
How close the external driver has to be to the trigger before it is created
Delete trigger when the external driver is no longer within the distance specified
  • One shot
Fire the trigger only once
  • Priority
Used with interdependent triggers to establish trigger priority:
i.e., a roadpad trigger sets a variable, and an expression trigger reacts to that variable. The roadpad trigger should have a 'high priority', the expression trigger should be set to 'Low priority'.
  • Debounce
Time after firing the predicate remains inactive

Roadpad Trigger

A roadpad trigger (RPT) is defined on a segment of road or intersection by a path called a road pad (or pad).

The roadpad pad defines a geographic region where the trigger can be activated.

The trigger activates when the trigger predicate steps on the pad anywhere on the pad. It is not necessary for the trigger predicate to step on the pad at the beginning (start) of the pad.

  • By Name Set
ISAT will prompt for existing scenario model object/s
  • By Type Set
Type of object; i.e., External driver, ADO, etc.
  • By Road
Filter trigger to a specific lane; i.e., predicate has to be on the roadpad and in target lane
Can be used to implement conditional trigger activation
An audio message to change lanes can be suppressed if the driver is already in the correct lane

TBC insert Road Trigger dialog graphic

Time to Arrival Trigger

The Time to Arrival Trigger (TTA) is similar to the Roadpad Trigger and adds a timer

Time to reach target point
Can use an expression to calculate time
Arrival time can take acceleration into account

Target point

The location used to measure vehicle distance

Time to Arrival Trigger example


A is the target point used in the trigger calculations

Follow Trigger

The Follow Trigger (FT) is another type of roadpad trigger

  • Trigger activates when vehicle A is Distance X from vehicle B
Distance can be in feet or time
Both vehicles must be on roadpad;
very long roadpads are common with this trigger
Vehicles can include the External Driver
Expression takes priority over time field

TBC FT graphics

Additional Triggers

Other triggers.png

  • Global Time (GTT)
Elapsed time from start of scenario
To use GTT as a timer, add an Activation Delay set to the desired elapsed time
  • Expression Trigger (ET)
Execute actions if input expression evaluates to TRUE
  • Traffic Light Trigger (TLT)
Execute actions when target traffic signal is set to target state;
when the traffic signal state matches the target state, execute actions

Scenario World Objects

Scenario world objects are defined in the tile model source. They are not added by the scenario author since they are objects already present in the roadmap/BLI.

Object types world.png

Typically, but not always, these objects can be authored in ISAT. However, some scenario world objects have no options - these cannot be selected in ISAT; therefore such objects cannot be authored.

Removal of world objects requires editing the source tile model using a 3D application. In some cases an alternate tile model is available identical to the original but without objects.

Contact NADS if removal of a world object is needed.

Other scenario world objects, such as Traffic Signals, are specialized function objects that can be authored. Traffic signals are authored using the Traffic Light Manager: Edit >> Traffic Light Manager.

Scenario Coordinate Types

There are two types of coordinates used in scenarios. The first is roadway coordinates. These coordinates are contextual (tied to a specific road or intersection and position) and are used for ADO objects and roadpad paths in general.

After a roadway coordinate has been generated, it is not updated unless the scenario author makes changes to the start, end or location of the entire path or pad.

Roadway coordinate are the reason it is not possible to change a roadmap using the TMT and expect a previously authored scenario to work on the altered roadmap. If the length or location of a road changes, the path/pad will update to the extent possible.

If the road has been eliminated and no longer exists in the roadmap/BLI, ISAT will report an error and not open the scenario file.

A. Field breakdown: RoadPos keyword <name of road:lane:position on road:path length>

Name "Ado1" 
 RoadPos "r1_-6600_4620:0:5737.06:0.00" 
 Path "R:r1_-6600_4620:0[5736.06:5873.83]"

Isat coordinate types.png

B. Name "VirtObj"

 Option 2 
 Position -6.8375599E+002 5.6331237E+003 0.0000000E+000

The second type is world coordinates, which are Cartesian coordinates with X increasing to the right, Y increasing forward, and Z increasing up.

Scenario Authoring

Scenario authoring is the creation, editing and testing of everything that happens during a simulation drive.

All scenarios designed to be driven require a start location - the place where the driver will be located when the simulated drive begins.

To insert a start location into a scenario:

Insert >> External Driver >> LMB on road, intersection or terrain object

Isat initial position.png

NOTE: scenarios that contain data - for example, signs or traffic that are used as external reference files do not require a start location, since that will be defined for the parent scenario.

Initial Conditions

Initial conditions define how the simulated scene is configured: will the drive occur during daylight or night time conditions? Will the ownship (external driver vehicle) have headlights enabled? What type of vehicle will it be? Will there be objects or traffic visible to the driver? These form the initial conditions of the simulation experience. Additional initial conditions would include initialization of variables or establishing networked communication as needed by the scenario.

Isat initial conditions miniSim.png

By default ISAT sets the initial condition Time of Day to 12:00 noon. The time of day is controlled from the Initial Condition dialog:

Edit >> Initial Conditions

Isat initial conditions scenario.png

Scenario Authoring: Actions

Actions are the scenario elements that make things happen during simulation. Actions do specific things, like display a text message on screen for the driver, create a scenario element, change the velocity of simulated traffic, change a traffic signal, etc.

Trigger action panels.png

The diagram above shows the action panel for left to right: an expression trigger, a roadpad trigger and a global time trigger showing different panels based on the actions present in each trigger.

NOTE:Actions can be created, edited or removed from the Actions panel of any trigger.

NOTE: The Actions panel changes based on the action type created. When multiple actions have been defined, control the sequence of actions by changing the action order in the list using the up or down arrows next to the list.

Action panel overview.png

If multiple actions need to happen in a specific order, set the order using the arrows and then flag the action list as sequential. This instructs behaviors to process the actions in the list order.

Using a delay for any action will pause processing of the following actions; the action happens first, then the delay is applied.

Scenario Authoring: Action Types

There are two types of actions:

  1. Instantaneous - the action takes up to one frame to complete, i.e.:
set target velocity
write to cell
  1. Persistent

*Persistent actions do not end, or take multiple frames to complete:

Forced velocity
Maintain Gap


  • The "Who to Affect" field defines what is affected by the action
Instigator set: who activated the trigger
Name: one or more named elements
Type: Apply changes to all objects matching the specified type
Relative: Position relative to the trigger location
  • Sequential
Actions to execute sequentially, one after the other
Specify delay between actions
Action executes, then delay
Some actions are persistent and never "finish"

Scenario example: display text & roadpad trigger to stop the drive

This scenario is very simple and contains a global time trigger (GTT) that tells the driver what to do. After the driver travels along the roadway, a roadpad trigger (RPT) is used to tell the driver to stop driving. The same RPT also creates an expression trigger to terminate the drive.

TBC example scenario file

Because the external driver is not under control except by instructions, it's possible they might ignore the halt message and continue driving. A second failsafe RPT then terminates the drive.

Actions: Button vs. Dial

  • Dial changes a setting
  • Button: always runs in a single frame
-"immediate" change. Typically buttons have less control than a Set Dial action

ADO Actions

Ado action types button vs dial.png

DDO Actions

Ddo set dial.png

External Driver Actions

External driver behavior can be influenced by reinforcing scenario actions through audible speeding alerts, on-screen text instructions and messages or audio instructions.

Driving behavior can be influenced with situational elements

Car in the drivers blind spot
Lead vehicle
Aggressive following vehicle
Temporary lane closure
lane specific instructions

Scenarios should not rely on specific driver actions to be successful

to the extent possible; sometimes you do need the driver to respond/behave in a controlled manner.
A work zone blocking one lane typically will require a roadpad placed upstream from the work zone to shift traffic into the correct lane

NOTE: Controlling driver actions should be an experimental design consideration.

Special Actions

These actions need special handling:

  • Reset or "toggle":
Display Text
Audio State
Forced Velocity
Maintain Gap
Visual State
  • If using these persistent actions, place them at the end of an action sequence (because no action following these will execute):
Forced Velocity
Maintain Gap

Multiple simultaneous actions.png

The diagram above shows how one parent trigger can be used to create multiple simultaneous triggers

  • How to activate multiple unique force velocity (FV) or maintain gap (MG) actions:
  1. create the needed triggers from a general parent trigger, 1 per action
  2. put common actions into the parent trigger
reset FV
reset MG

Scenario Authoring How To

This section contains simple examples for various typical scenario situations.

How to know Which Coordinator or Trigger I need?

The answer to this question lies in the type of information needed for an event:

  • Time
global time trigger
or an expression trigger that calculates time
  • Position or Location
roadpad trigger
or a time to arrival (TTA) trigger
or an expression trigger that calculates distance
  • Calculation
Expression trigger

How to Instruct the External Driver

Instructions to the external driver can be accomplished by three main methods: 1. Instruct the driver using experimental protocol (instructional or briefing presentation 2. Information messages displayed on screen:

  • Action: set visual display text

3. Information messages delivered as audio messages:

  • Action: write to cell > SCC_Audio_Trigger ><audio ID>

How to Control Simulated Vehicles

The scenario author can control simulated vehicles by controlling the environment:

  1. change a traffic signal to cause an ADO to stop or start at intersections
  2. affect other ADOs to cause a target ADO to respond

Direct control:

  • Lane related:
Set button > ADO > ChangeLane, Turn, ProjectAndResetLane
  • All other controls:
Set Dial > ADO > AudioState, ForcedLaneOffset, ForcedVelocity, InhibitLaneChange, LaneChange, MaintainGap, TargetVelocity, VisualState, AudioState

How to Change ADO Velocity

ADO velocity can be changed using the SetDial action:

SetDial > ADO > ..
ForcedVelocity using an expression:
## match external driver speed
expr  % OvVel(0) % 
## multiply external driver speed
expr  -1 9 %ReadCell('OvVelLocal',1)*1.75  %

Indirect Control (dependent on other scenario element):


How to Link ADO Velocity to Something Else

ADOs velocity can be linked to other ADOs or the external driver using the MaintainGap (MG) action.

SetDial > ADO > MaintainGap

When using a traffic cloud containing multiple ADOs, each ADO in the cloud needs a unique MG. IF multiple ADOs have the same MG settings they will attempt to satisfy their parameters and likely oscillate position in a visually obnoxious way.

How to Change Environment Settings

The scenario author can define global or localized environment conditions.

1. Insert >> Environment Conditions >> <chosen condition>

2. Define a region where the environment condition is active:

LMB to define polygon points
RMB to exit point entry mode

Env condition1.png

Choosing an environment condition

Env condition2.png

Environment region defined and parameters panel shows available options

NOTE: The environment condition boundary is a discrete threshold. Condition A will be on one side of the threshold. Immediately after crossing the boundary, condition B will be displayed.

How to Fade an Environment Condition

A workaround to thabrupt boundary condition change involves the use of an expression trigger to change gradually between two conditions to fade from one to the other condition.

Examining the demo scenario is the best way to look 'under the hood' to see exact command syntax and values to be used.

Env fade.png

Note: this approach has been used for fog and visibility. It is unknown how it might work with non-visibility conditions such as precipitation and wind.

  • From the scenario demo_visibility_transition.scn

Env fade schematic.png

Note: although the example above uses an environment condition boundary, it is possible to omit the defined region, retaining all commands and the scenario will still function. However, without the environment region, it becomes more difficult to determine where conditions are different from the standard settings.

Scenario Hints

The total number of scenario elements active at any given time can affect simulator performance:

Total number of active elements

  • vehicles (ADOs), triggers, animations, etc.

Object management

  • Use paths to shift ADOs away from the driver route of travel as they turn off the route
  • reduce the number of vehicles in traffic cloud surrounding external driver
  • use creation radius to limit the number of active elements, and to remove elements after the driver has traveled beyond the creation radius

Creation radius 1.png

Creation radius works by activating the scenario element only when the driver is within the radius. The scenario element is created when the driver enters the creation radius, and is deleted after the driver leaves the creation radius.

Exploit environment to reduce object load

  • Use curves, hills, intersection corners to mask objects

Object deletion

  • Remove objects when no longer needed

When creating dynamic elements, create them as close to where they are needed as possible.

Some development/setup testing may be needed to determine precise location/distance/speed; i.e., locating ADOs for a freeway ramp merge event where the external driver is merging onto the freeway.

A straightforward way to determine where the ADOs are first visible to the driver is to mock up a scenario placing colored ADOs along the freeway with a velocity of 0. This will ensure the ADOs remain stationary while the scenario author determines where they are first visible to the external driver.

Place the start position/external driver far enough up the ramp to be a reasonable test for the actual scenario.

As you drive the ramp, see which ADO is first visible to the driver. Place ADOs just out of view (upstream) of that location.

Scenario Testing and Debugging

The primary way to test and debug scenarios is using ISAT rehearsal mode.

NOTE: the external driver during rehearsal is a simulation. You have limited control over the simulated ownship:

  1. change speed
  2. change lane

ISAT has two rehearsal dialogs:

  1. abbreviated (standard) dialog
  2. advanced (extended dialog)

How to change to the advanced rehearsal dialog

Often it is necessary to control the ownship during rehearsal. The ownship controls are located in the advanced (extended) rehearsal dialog.

ISAT will show the Advanced dialog the first time rehearsal mode is activated. All additional activations show the abbreviated dialog.

TBC abbreviated dialog

To use the Advanced dialog, LMB the Advanced button.

TBC Advanced dialog

How to change ownship speed during rehearsal mode

After entering rehearsal mode:

  1. click the Play icon (start the rehearsal)
  2. pause.
  3. adjust ownship speed
  4. toggle pause off (resume rehearsal)

How to make ownship lane change during rehearsal mode

After entering rehearsal mode:

  1. click the Play icon (start the rehearsal)
  2. click the desired Lane Change (left or right)

Audio Components

The components of the Audio sub-system includes configuration and data files installed into the NadsMiniSim_x.xx\data\sound\DefaultCabSound\Instructs folder.

Audio components.png

The audio engine contains multiple channels and has a theoretical limit of 512 simultaneous sounds.

NOTE: Not all .wav files are compatible with the Audio Engine.

How to Use Audio in your Scenario

Scenarios play audio sounds and messages through a write to cell action: SCC_Audio_Trigger

Use of audio in a scenario typically requires both a write to cell and a 'clear action' that writes a zero (0) to SCC_Audio_Trigger in order to 'clear the channel'. The 'clear' action can happen before or after playing a sound; choose one method and be consistent in your scenario authoring.

Failure to 'clear the channel' or writing a null value can result in no audio being played for subsequent write to cell SCC_Audio_Trigger actions.

The following shows how this looks in scenario when executed from a roadpad trigger (RPT):

Audio scn A.png

The above diagram is shown below in text format:

HCSM RoadPadTrigger
 GroupName "WindGust_Audio" 
 ByTypeSet "ExternalDriver" 
 NthFromStart 0 
 NthFromEnd 0 
 VehicleAhead 0 
 VehicleBehind 0 
 LongComment "This is a wind gust event" 
 ShortComment " " 
 ActvDel 0.0000000E+00 
 CrRad 0.0000000E+00 
 Debounce 0.0000000E+00 
 FireDelFrames 0 
 Lifetime 0.0000000E+00 
 Name "RPT_WG_6" 
 OneShot 1 
 Priority 0 
 SeqAct 1 
 Position 6.7165800E+04 6.0419215E+03 0.0000000E+00 
 DrawPosition 6.7165800E+04 6.0419215E+03 1.1308095E-317 
 Path "R:r3_62700_7920:0[3033.04:3245.46]" 
   HCSM LogData
     Comment "LS1=8" 
     Delay 0.0000000E+00 
     InstigatorSet 0 
     Stream 1 
     StreamVal 8.0000000E+00 
   HCSM WriteCell
     Comment "Play_Audio" 
     Delay 2.0000000E+00 
     InstigatorSet 0 
     CellName "SCC_Audio_Trigger" 
     CellData "63000" 
     CellType 2 
     CellVar 0 
   HCSM WriteCell
     Comment "clear_audio" 
     Delay 0.0000000E+00 
     InstigatorSet 0 
     CellName "SCC_Audio_Trigger" 
     CellData "0" 
     CellType 2 
     CellVar 0 

How to Add Custom Audio to miniSim

Adding custom audio files requires the following procedure:

1 Exit miniSim - changes to the miniSim configuration should happen only when miniSim is not running.

2 Copy the audio .wav file to:

Edit the file instructions.txt in that same folder.

3 Add an entry to instructions.txt to register your audio file in accordance with the following layout using the existing entries as a template:

Unique_ID   Filename   Normalized_Volume
Unique_ID is whatever unique number you assign to your file.
Filename is the name of your .WAV file.
Normalized_Volume is the volume your audio file should play, where 0.00 is silence and 1.00 is maximum volume.

NOTE: Remove all spaces in your audio filename. If needed, use the underscore character instead of spaces.

Troubleshooting Custom Audio Additions

After installing new .wav files and adding them into the audio configuration file instructions.txt, if the audio file does not play:

  • Check the Audio Engine window while miniSim is still running. The Audio Engine will display file errors,.
  • If Audio Engine does not display a message similar to: Audio Engine loaded normally, scroll through the window messages and look for any .wav or load error messages.

Re-use of Scenario Elements

Scenario authoring can be an intensive undertaking. It makes sense therefore to leverage your development efforts by re-using scenario elements where possible.

ISAT provides a number of ways to re-use scenario elements:

  1. copy/paste
  2. external references
  3. exporting elements as groups
  4. isc scripts

Each of these methods have their strengths and weaknesses.


The simplest method to re-use scenario elements among different scenario files is copy/paste. This is possible for most scenario elements* even if the source and destination roadmap/BLIs are radically different.

Copy paste.png

It is also possible to copy an ISAT element from one scenario to another as TEXT by selecting the element and using the windows copy shortcut CTRL-C, then open a text file and paste it using the windows paste shortcut CTRL-V.

NOTE: Traffic sources are not portable using copy/paste.

NOTE: Not all elements can be copy/pasted. Elements created from a Create Element action cannot be copied - it is necessary to select the parent element and copy that instead.

Copy paste2.png

In the above diagram, elements at B and C cannot be copied/pasted because they have been created by element A. It is necessary to copy the element at A instead. If only the elements at B are needed, the best method will be to copy/paste as Text.

NOTE: ISAT will not copy elements containing road coordinates (elements with a path) to a scenario that does not share the same BLI as the source (copy from) scenario.

A partial solution to such cases is to remove the path first, copy the element, paste into the destination scenario, then re-create the path manually.

External Reference

An external reference scenario is intended to be re-used by multiple 'parent' scenarios. The effort of authoring objects is thus leverages across multiple files, without needing to re-create the same elements more than once.

Re use xref 1.png

Common uses of external references include traffic, traffic signal operation, traffic sign appearance or other environment features which have multiple appearances (billboards, some tile related scenery, etc).

NOTE: Multiple external references are possible; but because objects are categorized by group, it is not entirely necessary.

For example, one external reference file contains traffic, another contains signs. These two external reference scenarios could be combined into one file.

Xref overview2.png

NOTE: Each group defined must be unique across all files: parent and external reference files.

In order to use an element in an external reference scenario, it is necessary to define and assign a group to all elements that you wish to control from the parent scenario. At this time there is no visual hint in ISAT to indicate if a group has been assigned to an element or not - each element has to be confirmed independently.

However, a properly authored external reference element cannot be edited within the parent scenario (after you have done Add Ref. to use the external reference file).

An alternative is to insert groups using a text editor with macro capability, or to use a program or external script to make the necessary changes.

NOTE: At this time there is a known issue using the write cell SCC_Audio_Trigger action in external references. Although the trigger containing this action can be assigned a group and used as an external reference, audio does not play.

Because ISAT updates static object positions (elevation) to the terrain (roadway) when the scenario file is saved, the best way to use a custom elevation is to put such objects into an external reference file.

Define a Group

RMB on the element and choose from the context menu: Group >> New Group (if this is a new group) or Group >> (choose an already defined group).

NOTE: The first time you create a group for an object, ISAT will automatically assign the group to that object.

After defining and assigning groups to the scenario elements needed, save the scenario file then close it.

Open or create the parent scenario file and use the Add Ref. button at the bottom of the ISAT window to select your external reference scenario. After you choose a file ISAT will present you with the groups found in that scenario. Choose the groups you with to include and click the 'Okay' button. Click the Add Ref. OK button to complete the process.

NOTE: ISAT does not enforce logic on your external reference authoring. If you add references to scenarios that do not share the same roadmap/BLI as the parent scenario, it is likely that elements will be placed at the origin (in cases where the external reference roadmap contains roadways not found in the parent) if it even loads.

Exporting ISAT Elements as Groups

Transferring ISAT elements among scenarios can be accomplished using groups. As with external reference scenarios, one or more groups must be defined and then assigned to one or more elements.

After defining and assigning groups select the group for export using the Group select drop-down located at the lower left corner of ISAT. Choose a group to export and then click the 'Save Group' button. Save the file.

TBC insert graphic sequence diagram here

NOTE: If you cannot locate the group file in the folder specified, check the ISAT install\data folder. This is typically:


Group File Contents

The group file is a text file and can be opened or edited in a text editor.

The following is a group file containing one ADO. Note the GroupName line near the bottom:

 LriFile "_dev.bli"
 LongComment "this is a test group export"
 ShortComment "this comment was left empty"
 RandomSol 0 
 Name "Ado1" 
 DynModel "Non Linear" 
 LogFile "" 
 LatOffsType 0 
 CreateRelLatInFeet 0 
 CreateRelOffsLonUsingExpr 0 
 CreateRelOffsLonExprStr "" 
 AutoControlBreakLights 0 
 AutoControlHeadLights 0 
 UseReaDel 1 
 StdToAccType 0 
 StdToDecType 0 
 StdToDecVal1 9.0000000E-001 
 StpToAccType 0 
 DecToAccType 0 
 FollowTimeMin 1.0000000E+000 
 FollowTimeMax 2.0000000E+000 
 EmergDecClip -1.1000000E+001 
 Accel2Catch 0 
 NormVel2Kp 7.0000000E-001 
 PathSearchDepth 2 
 LcvFall 1.5000000E+000 2.0000000E+000 
 LcvFreq 3.0000000E-002 5.0000000E-002 
 LcvRAmpl 1.0000000E-001 5.0000000E-001 
 VelCtrlInitMatchOvVel 0 
 VelCtrlFollowSpeedLimit 0 
 VelCtrlDistType 0 
 MaxLatOffset 9.0000000E+000 
 LongComment " " 
 ShortComment " " 
 SolName "Audi" 
 RoadPos "r1_1320_44220:2:32414.44:0.00" 
 GroupName "TEST_Group" 
HCSM StaticObjManager
HCSM DriverMirror
HCSM IntersectionManager

ISC Scripts

Scripts are an efficient way to automate repetitive and/or complex tasks.

ISAT uses a custom language (ISC) to automate placement and manipulation of scenario objects. Combined with simple direction commands and the capability to navigate a road network, ISC scripts can ask the scenario author for input and prompt for selecting objects.

ISAT installs with some ISC script files. If your version of ISAT contains a data\isc 
folder, then your version of ISAT is capable of running scripts. You can create 
additional scripts as needed. All scripts located in the data\isc folder will load in ISAT  
when ISAT is launched.

You can use these scripts for reference in creating your own custom scripts.

New scripts created during an existing ISAT session will not appear until ISAT is re- 
Scripts that have been edited will not update until ISAT is re-launched.

Unless otherwise indicated, scripts are case-sensitive.

NOTE: Please do not edit the existing scripts!

Make a copy of any existing script before you make changes. In the event your modified script does not work, you can look at the original file for reference.

ISC scripts are located on the ISAT Elements widget. Custom isc scripts are located after the 'Events' separator.

Using an ISC script involves LMB + dragging the desired script onto the workspace. In some cases the script will ask for inputs.

ISC can be also used to create an entire event, thus ensuring that all events created will be entirely identical in terms of settings and locations for all created elements.

ISC scripts are text files located within the ISAT installation data folder. Only the custom ISC scripts are located in this folder. This is typically:


Icon Files

Script icon files are 8-bit windows icon files (file.ico). GIMP is capable of exporting valid ico files. To create an ico file, scale it to 32x32 pixels. Export the file as .ico to the isat\data\isc folder.

In order for a script to use an icon file, both files must exist in the isat\data\isc folder.

ISC Script Examples

This section contains example scripts with notes.

Rotate sign

.Name SetSignRotation
.Icon SignRot.ico 
Static sign
Select(sign,"Please Select a Sign")

Place Multiple Static Objects (TrafCone) The following script asks the scenario author for number of cones to generate, position and offset values and then generates the objects.

A breakdown of the script follows the code block below.

.Name Cones
.Icon cone.ico

Block coneBlock %%%
HCSM StaticObject
  IsNewObj 1 
  Name "Cone_xxx" 
  SolName "TrafCone" 
  Option 0 
  Position 3.4312599E+002 -7.2408282E+004 0.0000000E+000 
Static cone;

Value	dist1
Value	numberOfCones
Value	distance
Value	variablePart
Value	randDistance
Value	speed
Value   Count
Value	LatOffset

Block tempBlock
tempBlock = coneBlock
Count = 1

Ask(numberOfCones,"How many cones?" )
Ask(dist1,"Distance between cones?" )
Ask(LatOffset,"How much offset?" )

Position posRp
Position tempPos
posRp = Anchor
numberOfCones = numberOfCones

Repeat numberOfCones
    # test comment
	tempPos = posRp;
	cone.RoadPos = tempPos
    Count = Count + 1
    tempBlock = coneBlock


Script Breakdown cones.isc

This section contains a description of the elements used in the script. The script segment is followed by a brief text description.

This script places a number of object copies (TrafCone) using information provided by a user.

.Name Cones
.Icon cone.ico

The first line contains a keyword .Name followed by the name of the script. This is the name that ISAT will use on the Isat Elements widget for the script. Note the script name does not have to be the same, but it is good computing practice.

The second line begins with the keyword .Icon followed by a file name. This file must exist in the ISAT\data\isc folder (accompanying the script file). This is the icon ISAT will use for the script.

Block coneBlock %%%
HCSM StaticObject
  IsNewObj 1 
  Name "Cone_xxx" 
  SolName "TrafCone" 
  Option 0 
  Position 3.4312599E+002 -7.2408282E+004 0.0000000E+000 

This is the data section of the script, which is defined using the keyword Block. A block name follows the keyword, and the data start is defined with %%%.

The HCSM StaticObject section has been copied from a scenario. In this case, a static object was placed into the workspace and then copied into a text file.

  Name "Cone_xxx" 

Note: the object name contains a marker that can be used to programmatically name instances of the object:

  SolName "TrafCone" 

This line begins with the keyword SolName followed by the name of the object as it is defined in the sol2.txt file.

  Position 3.4312599E+002 -7.2408282E+004 0.0000000E+000 

The Position of the static object will update when the script activates and instanced objects are placed in the workspace.

Static cone;

This line begins with the keyword Static followed by a variable name.

Value	dist1
Value	numberOfCones
Value	distance
Value	variablePart
Value	randDistance
Value	speed
Value   Count
Value	LatOffset

This section defines variables with the keyword Value followed by variable names. Using descriptive names is better than generic names. From the variable list it already seems clear what the programmer cares about: number of cones and distances.

Block tempBlock
tempBlock = coneBlock

This section defines a block using the keyword Block followed by the variable name.

The next statement replicates coneBlock into tempBlock.

Count = 1

Initialize the value of the variable Count to 1.


The built-in Replace function changes the string 'xxx' to the value of the variable Count.


This statement creates a block using the function SetBlock called cone, and copies the contents of tempBlock into it.

Ask(numberOfCones,"How many cones?" )
Ask(dist1,"Distance between cones?" )
Ask(LatOffset,"How much offset?" )

This section asks the user for input and puts that information into variables:

  • Number of cones
  • Distance between cones (dist1)
  • Lateral offset (calculated from lane center)
Position posRp
Position tempPos
posRp = Anchor
numberOfCones = numberOfCones

This section contains position variables and assigns the value of numberOfCones.

Repeat numberOfCones
    # test comment
	tempPos = posRp;
	cone.RoadPos = tempPos
    Count = Count + 1
    tempBlock = coneBlock

This section is where the work happens. Reading from the top, this section is contained within a loop defined by the keyword Repeat. The number of times to repeat follows in a variable numberOfCones.

posRP.GoForward() is a built-in function to take the current position and shifts it forward by the amount specified in the dist1 variable.

#test comment

This is a comment defined by starting the line with the comment keyword #

	tempPos = posRp;

Assign the value of the variable tempPos to the value currently in posRp


Another built-in function or attribute to the position element which defines a lateral offset (distance from the lane center). This statement places the value of a variable LatOffset into the offset element of the tempPos variable, using the operand SetOffset.

	cone.RoadPos = tempPos

This statement sets the road position variable for cone to the value in the variable tempPos.


Duplicate the block cone using the operand Clone

    Count = Count + 1

Set the value of the variable Count to the value of Count plus one. This statement increments the value of Count for each loop processed.

    tempBlock = coneBlock

Create a new block tempBlock by setting it to the content of coneBlock.


Use a built-in function to Replace the string 'xxx' with the value of the Count variable


Use the built-in function SetBlock to place the modified tempBlock (modified by the string replacement command earlier) into the cone block.


The last two lines terminate the loop and the script, respectively.

How to Create an ISC Script

The simplest way to create an ISC script is to find an existing script that does something similar to your desired behavior and edit it.

miniSim Simulation Data

MiniSim runs on shared memory:

  • miniSim is a collection of programs
  • shared memory is a commonly accessed 'blackboard' list: a Cell and a Cell Value
The DAQ file is a snapshot of this 'blackboard' memory for every frame.
  • Scenario can write to cells added by the scenario author
-i.e., for custom hardware or tasks/events

NOTE: Custom cells must be present in the collect file (NadsMiniSimCollect.cec) prior to simulation in order for the custom cells to be present in the DAQ.

NOTE: The cell type defined in the collect file must be followed, or garbage values will be used

Use of a DAQ file implies that at some point, data reduction will be needed. Data reduction: the process of distilling measures from the DAQ file, i.e.

  • Event definition
  • SDLP
  • Average headway

What is the Difference? Cell vs. Variable

  • A Cell is a pre-created “slot” in shared memory
-Specified in the .CEC collect file,
-Saved in the DAQ file,
-Can be sent to custom programs;
-Can create & use custom cells;
  • A Variable is a name value internal to the scenario
-NOT saved to the DAQ file,
-Can use to track items in the scenario
i.e., how long the driver has been exceeding the speed limit
-Initialize conditions in the scenario.

Cell Types

This is a partial list of cell types.

  • CFS = control feel subsystem (steering wheel, pedals)
  • CIS = control information subsystem (gear, turn signal, buttons, etc)
  • TPR = terrain profiler for terrain queries
  • VDS = vehicle dynamics for accelerations, position, engine speed, speed, etc.
  • ACC = adaptive cruise control
  • RCM = configuration management for setting variables that affect subsystem configuration (ACC enabled or disabled, for instance)
  • SCC – scenario
  • SOP = for one time initializations at the start of the simulation.

Data Output Actions

  • Write to Cell Actions
-Write the value of a variable or cell to a cell
-Write to a custom cell
-Cannot overwrite another systems output

NOTE: Although it is possible to write to a different system cell, that value will be over-written on the next frame. Thus it is effectively not feasible nor desirable to do.

  • Set Variable Action
-Sets the value of a variable
-Does not have to be created first
-Not saved in the DAQ unless written to a valid cell
  • Logstream
-Log data action

Data Output Methods

Your data is the primary reason for simulation.

1. Default miniSim scenario measures

- Immediately available

2. Alternate scenario measures (DAQ file)

- Processed through data reduction

Default miniSim Scenario Measures

  • Saved to a drive report.txt file
  • Saved to the same Location as DAQ files;

•Measures calculated overall, and up to 20 Events during drive:

Collision Count Lane Departure Count
Maximum Speed Lane Departure Percentage
Minimum Speed Speeding Count
Average Speed Speeding Percentage
Standard Deviation of Speed Average Headway
Standard Deviation of Lane Position

Default miniSim Scenario Measures Require Scenario Event Definition

In order to capture meaningful data into the default miniSim measures, a scenario must be configured properly to define events.

  • At the start of scenario, set:
SCC_EventStatus =0
SCC_EventNumber = 0
  • At the start of the first event, set:
SCC_EventStatus = 1
SCC_EventNumber = 1
  • At the end of the first event, set:
SCC_EventStatus = 0
  • At the start of the second event, set:
SCC_EventStatus = 1
SCC_EventNumber = 2
  • At the end of the second event, set:
SCC_EventStatus = 0

Continue this pattern; at end of final event, set:

SCC_EventStatus = 0

Default miniSim Scenario Measures Sample Report

The following is an example report for 4 events. Note the remaining events present in the report are all zeroes or -1.00.

Default measures report.png

"Alernate" Scenario Event Definition

NOTE: This method is the more typical/standard method for defining events.

Defining an event is key to partitioning simulator data into useful sections. Processing these sections is the essence of data reduction.

These useful sections are partitioned using logstreams and are generally called Events:

  • A logstream is a data marker present in the DAQ file
there are 10 logstreams
use logstreams to indicate when things happen in the data:
at the start of an event; i.e.,
grab all data where logstream 1 = 100 (example value)
during a sub-section of an event
at the end of an event (typically clears to 0)

Logstreams help separate/filter data;

  • SDLP is not useful during emergency maneuver events

Logstreams can be useful to debug events;

marking in the data when triggers fire
ensuring event counters work; these are typically sequential, so any logstream deviation identifies a problem
  • How to define a Scenario Event:

Set logstream values at scenario event start

during and at scenario event end, set or clear logstream values:

For example:

logstream 1 for event ID
logstream 2 for sequencing the event (during/within event)
logstream 3 for restart number, etc.
  • Requires data reduction to fully process drive data
  • Does not support default measures
unless those measures are used in parallel with the logstream method
  • The use of logstreams allows a scenario author to encode event and environment information into the scenario and as a result, into the simulator data stream.

Example Alternate Scenario Event

This section contains an example of a scenario that uses logstream 1 to define an event and environmental context.

In the following example, logstream 1 (LS1) is used to:

  1. define the scenario start, which is also in this example the event start. NOTE: This is not typical.
  2. when the driver is 805f from the intersection halt line, set a value into LS1
  3. when the driver is 500f from the intersection halt line, set a new value into LS1 NOTE: This could also use a different LS than the one used to define your event, i.e., 1
  4. when the driver activates a roadpad trigger to reset a force velocity (FV) on a lead vehicle

Event def LS.png

In the following event definition, an expression trigger is used to set a logstream value and execute two additional actions pertaining to the event.

Event ET LS3.png

How to Export Data from A DAQ file using ISAT

ISAT can display and export DAQ data. NOTE: This is 'raw data', not previously processed. This method can be used to test scenarios, confirm or identify data issues.

TBC: example export here

Terminology & Documentation

This section contains terminology and references to related documentation. TBC vocabulary

Reporting ISAT & Scenario Issues

  • How to report ISAT & scenario issues:

When reporting issues with scenarios it is helpful to provide as much information as possible.

This often includes scenarios (including any external reference files) and the .LRI file used by the scenarios, screenshots or video that demonstrate the issue being reported and relevant DAQ files. It can be very helpful to include coordinate information with the screenshot or video.

The .BLI file is created from the .LRI and is much larger than the LRI so it may be more convenient to send the LRI file. NADS staff can re-create the BLI file from the LRI.

Some graphics anomalies may be issues with the tile model and not a scenario or miniSim problem. These include:

  1. white block shapes in the environment
  2. gaps or missing geometry; i.e., holes
  3. improper lighting (dark features present during the day)

If these issues happen on a custom roadmap/database world, please include the TMT .mos file as well so NADS can re-construct your environment.

How to contact the NADS miniSim team:

email minisim support

Andrew Veit Director of NADS miniSim

Joseph Meidlinger Program Coordinator NADS miniSim

Vince Horosewski MiniSim Application Programmer/Analyst

Oscar Hernandez Murcia MiniSim Application Programmer/Analyst

Chris Schwarz Data Reduction & Vehicle Dynamics

David Heitbrink Developer ISAT application & Scenario

Shawn Allen TMT, Modelling & Support

How to check what BLI file is used by a scenario

  1. You can edit the scenario in a text editor; near the top of the file will be a line starting with LriFile followed by the name of the BLI file in double quotes.
  2. You can use grep to inventory single or multiple scenarios:
grep bli <scenario file/s>
A partial listing is shown in the example below. NOTE: The files shown will likely be different on your PC:
C:\NADS\Isat\data\training.demo_scn>grep bli *.scn
Demo_Expression_Lead_Vehicle_Variables.scn:  LriFile "simple_rural.bli"
Demo_Expression_Trigger_to_Lead_Vehicle.scn:  LriFile "simple_rural.bli"
Demo_HUDD.scn:  LriFile "simple_rural.bli"
ISAT-Samples-Avoid.scn:  LriFile "esc_dry_05.bli"
ISAT-Samples-Right-Incursion.scn:  LriFile "esc_dry_05.bli"
ISAT-Samples-TrafficLightTest.scn:  LriFile "simple_city1.bli"
ISAT-Samples-TrafficLightTestB.scn:  LriFile "simple_city1.bli"
ISAT-Samples-YellowLightDilemmaB.scn:  LriFile "simple_city1.bli"
KBW_TEST.scn:  LriFile "simple_rural.bli"
KBW_TESTB.scn:  LriFile "simple_rural.bli"
demo.createADO_and_trigger.scn:  LriFile "simple_city1.bli"
demo.creation_radius1.scn:  LriFile "simple_city2.bli"
demo_FV_sum_of_Sines.scn:  LriFile "simple_city2.bli"
demo_LV_Decelerate.scn:  LriFile "simple_city2.bli"
demo_LV_cut_in.scn:  LriFile "esc_dry_05.bli"
demo_MG.scn:  LriFile "simple_city2.bli"
demo_TM1.scn:  LriFile "simple_city2.bli"
demo_TT_null.scn:  LriFile "simple_city2.bli"
demo_actions_text.scn:  LriFile "simple_city2.bli"
demo_alt_data_measures.scn:  LriFile "simple_city2.bli"
demo_audio_virtual_object.scn:  LriFile "esc_dry_05.bli"
demo_audio_virtual_object_simple_rural.scn:  LriFile "simple_rural.bli"
demo_auto_cloud1.scn:  LriFile "simple_city2.bli"
demo_coneISC1.scn:  LriFile "simple_city2.bli"
demo_dddo.scn:  LriFile "simple_city1.bli"
demo_dddo_B.scn:  LriFile "simple_city1.bli"
demo_forXRef_traffic.scn:  LriFile "simple_city1.bli"
demo_force_vel_01.scn:  LriFile "simple_city1.bli"
demo_groupImport.scn:  LriFile "simple_city2.bli"

How to configure miniSim for screenshots to include coordinates

You can enable coordinate display on miniSim by changing the focus to the main display. #Move the cursor until it is positioned in the main display area, then LMB. When successful the main display will appear to "blink".

1. Press the keyboard n key twice. This will cause coordinate information to display in the lower left corner of the main display.

MiniSim show coords.png

The n key is a toggle; to disable coordinates, press it twice (2x) again. NOTE: the cursor focus must be in the main display in order for this to work.

ISAT Reference Manual

The information provided in the user guide is intended to provide a jump start on the concepts and tools of scenario authoring using ISAT.

The reference manual for ISAT can be found here.