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Triggers are flexible coordinators that allow the development of simple or complicated scenarios. Simply put, triggers are predicate-action evaluated at runtime. In other words, if condition A is currently true, then perform action B. The predicates dictate conditions that, once satisfied, cause a variety of actions to take place. At runtime, triggers continuously evaluate their predicate conditions and, if satisfied, perform the actions.

There are several types of triggers. Each type is characterized by the conditions that can cause it to fire. Each trigger may then have a number of actions, such as “Create New Element”, “Start Data Reduction”, and so on.


Several terms are used to describe concepts associated with triggers. These are described here.

Firing Firing refers to performing the actions associated with a trigger.
Target Set The Target Set is a set of scenario elements that the trigger will act upon when it fires. For example, if a trigger is supposed to delete some scenario elements, then the Target Set would include the actual scenario elements that would be deleted.
Instigator Set The Instigator Set is the set of elements whose direct action caused the trigger to fire. For example, if a trigger fires when a vehicle crosses a checkpoint on the road network, the Instigator Set would be the actual scenario element that causes the trigger firing by crossing the checkpoint.

Uniform Parameters

Although triggers have no visual representation in the virtual environment (i.e., the simulator driver has no visible indicator that triggers exist), they are placed in fixed locations. Associating a location with a trigger allows use of the standard scenario element parameter Activation Radius.

Furthermore, all triggers have an Activation Delay and Lifetime parameter. For a detailed description of these parameters, see Section 3.17.

In addition to these scenario element global parameters, all trigger types share additional input parameters as follows.

One Shot

This is a binary input parameter. If set, the trigger will delete itself after firing once. If not set, the trigger will remain in the simulation after firing. The default value for this parameter is cleared.

Fire Delay

This parameter specifies the interval between the time when all conditions are satisfied and the time when the trigger fires. The default value of this parameter is 0, meaning that firing will happen immediately after the conditions are satisfied.


This parameter specifies the minimum time that must elapse between successive firings of the same trigger. This parameter is useful for triggers whose conditions remain true continuously after some point in the simulation. In such a case, a trigger would fire continuously (i.e., once at each iteration of the scenario control software), which may or may not be desirable. The default value for this parameter is 0, indicating that as long as the conditions are satisfied; a trigger will fire once per iteration.


The priority setting controls the order the triggers are evaluated in. A high priority trigger would be evaluated before a low priority trigger. This is useful when there is interdependence between triggers. For example if you have a road pad trigger that sets a variable called “FireAlertSystem”, and you had an expression trigger that looked for the condition where “FireAlertSystem” was greater than 0. If the road pad trigger is set to a “high” priority, and the expression trigger is set to a low priority we can guarantee that the expression trigger will fire in the same frame as when the road pad trigger fires.


Once a trigger fires, it performs one or more actions. The possible actions are independent of the trigger type. The following actions are defined, along with action-specific parameters.

Create Element

This parameter creates a new scenario element. The new scenario element can be an ADO, DDO, environment condition, or a traffic source.

Remove Element

This parameter removes scenario elements from the scenario. The actual elements to remove (the Target Set) are specified though another set of parameters as follows:

Name This is a set of names; any element whose name matches any name in the set is deleted.
Type This is a set of SOL types; any element whose type matches any type included in the set is deleted.
Geometric Position This is a circular region; any element in that region is deleted.
Instigator Set This parameter is Boolean. If set, it indicates that the trigger will delete the elements that caused the trigger to fire. See Section 10.1.1 for a more detailed description of the Instigator Set.

Set Button

This action presses the button of an element in the scenario. See the individual descriptions of scenario elements for details on the actual effects of pressing their buttons. The Target Set is specified the same way as in Remove Element.

Set Dial

This action sets the dial of an element in the scenario. Such as, you can select a vehicle failure, that which will cause the participant’s vehicle to fail in some manner during the drive, or a “Lane Change” to cause a ADO to change lanes. See the individual descriptions of scenario elements for details on the actual effects of setting their dials. The Target Set, is the set that is effected by the dial, it is specified the same way as in Remove Element.

The define parameters button brings up a dialog to define to help build the dial string. This string may have to be manually modified by the user. Some actions may have additional dialog to help build more complex dial strings such as the forced velocity dialog (Figure 5-52).

Figure 9-63 Set Dial

Use Traffic Manager

This action forces the traffic manager to use a different Traffic Manager Input Sets (TMIS). See Error! Reference source not found. For details on how to define TMIS.

The sole parameter associated with this action is the name of the TMIS.

Play Audio

This action causes a specific sound to be played in the simulator audio system. The sole parameter associated with this action is the identifier of the audio message.

Vehicle Failure

This action causes a failure on the simulator vehicle. The following types of failures can be programmed:

Tire blowout A tire blowout forces any of the tires to fail. A failure can be

instantaneous or gradual. If gradual, the amount of time it takes for the tire to go flat can be specified.

Brake failure A brake failure forces the brake system to fail. When specific tires are involved in the failure, the actual tire can be specified and the severity of the failure can also be specified. The following failure modes are supported:
  • Power assist failure
  • ABS failure
  • Full master cylinder failure
  • Partial master cylinder failure
  • Low fluid
  • Worn Pads
Alert conditions These are various alerts corresponding to various lights in the dashboard. The following are the corresponding alert conditions:
  • Charging system
  • Service engine
  • Airbag
  • Left turn signal
  • Right turn signal
  • Oil pressure
  • Engine overheating
Speedometer failure In a speedometer failure, the speedometer shows incorrect speed but still a linear function of actual speed. A percentage is specified as the error factor.
Tachometer failure This operates the same as speedometer failure, but affects the RPM indicator.
Cab Components Failures can be triggered for the various cab components as follows:
  • Radio/cassette deck
  • Air conditioner
  • Power mirrors Power seats
  • Entertainment system

Traffic Light

This action causes a particular traffic light to go into a specific state within a given amount of time. Both the traffic light and time are specified. Note that forcing a specific traffic light to a new state will change the timing of the overall intersection. See Chapter 9 for more details on how forcing traffic lights to new states affects the TLM.

Log Data

This action writes a value to a logstream. The logstreams will be readable in the DAQ file after a scenario has been run, and is useful to denote certain events in scenario. For instance, it may be useful to denote when the driver is 500 feet from an intersection.

Terminate Simulation

This action causes the overall simulation to terminate.

Pre-position Motion Base

This action causes the motion base of the NADS to select a new neutral point. The actual neutral point is specified though the actuator displacements. The idea behind this action is to move the motion in a location that allows better performance when the upcoming maneuver is known.

Tune Motion Base

This action selects a new set of tuning parameters for the motion system. Different tuning parameters provide better response on different road types. For example, a tuning file may work best for highway driving but perform poorly on city streets. This action allows selection of the tuning parameters at runtime.

Place Phone Call

This action causes the system to place a phone call. This action was developed specifically to support driver distraction work, in that it provides a deterministic method for initiating phone calls that have to be answered by the simulator driver. The actual implementation of this action requires cooperation with additional hardware and software installed at the NADS.

Start/Stop Data Reduction

The start and stop data reduction are one of the more important trigger actions, they instruct the simulation to either start a data reduction or stop a data reduction. A data reduction is used to produce data about an “event”, such as a driver being cut off, or an object falling of the back of a truck. For example, if a vehicle in front of a participant suddenly brakes and the user is boxed in from the side by another vehicle such that the participant cannot change lanes. In this instance, we would want to know how long it takes participant to apply the brakes from first seeing the vehicle make a sudden stop. We can do this by first inserting a trigger to fire a “start data reduction” action when the car in front of the participant’s vehicle stops, and then inserting a trigger with a “stop data reduction” to fire when the participant steps on the brake pedal. This will later produce data describing how long it took the driver to react to the event.

Start and stop data reductions produce embedded data reduction items. The advantage with embedded data reductions items is that they will automatically produce reduction data reports after the data is in the post-processing phase. Embedded data reduction saves time over other data reduction techniques

Each data reduction is identified by its group number, its variable, and its column name. Each data reduction must have at least one “start data reduction” action, and one “stop data reduction” action. Each data reduction may have multi “start data reduction” actions, and multiple “stop data reduction” actions.

The data reduction variable describes the type of data reduction to be performed, the group number is used when more than instance of a type of variable is used, then group number can be set to differentiate between the two data reductions. The column name is used to describe the data reduction. Figure 9-64 describes the data reduction variables.

Figure 9-64 Data Reduction Variables

When a start or stop data reduction action has been selected, hit the “params” button to select the settings for the stop and start data reduction. When inserting a “stop data reduction” action, you will have a choice of selecting the variable, and the group. By double clicking the variable type it will select the variable type and bring up the define parameters dialog (Figure 9-66). Here you can specify the column name, that which should be unique for the group. Multiple starts can have the same column name as long as they also have the same variable name as well; in essence, they are the same start data reduction. It will often be necessary to start a data reduction at multiple points.

The stop data reduction is slightly different from the start data reduction. When the “params” button is hit, it brings up a list of start data reductions. Start data reductions with checks by them have already been paired with a stop. It is ok to select a stop data reduction that already has a stop selected. The data reduction can be set by either then double clicking on the variable name, or by double clicking on one of the start data reductions. This will bring up the set parameters dialog; this is the same as the start data reduction except the column name can only be selected from a drop down list. By clicking on "start data reduction" it will bring up the parameters dialog with the start data reductions column name already selected and the group number will be switched to match the start data reductions group number. Multiple stops can be selected for the action, but they all must have the same group number.

Set Variable

The set variable action set a given variable to a given value. This can be used to reset a variable that is used as a counter between simulation runs.

Write Cell

This action writes a value to a cell.

Set Visual Display Text

This action displays text visible to the participant during the drive.

Creating Triggers

A number of different trigger types exist for various types of conditions that we would possibly want to fire a trigger on when they are true. Currently there are 6 different trigger types, Road Pad Trigger, Global Time Trigger, Time to Arrival, Traffic Light, Follow Trigger and Expression Trigger. More trigger types may be added in future additions.

Triggers can be created by selecting the Insert->Coordinators->TRIGGER menu option, where TRIGGER represents the actual type of trigger to author. Alternatively, press any of the buttons in the Coordinator toolbar:


After selecting either option, the cursor will turn into the insertion cursor:


Any click will place the item in the virtual environment, and the Trigger dialog box will appear. Figure 9-68 illustrates the Trigger dialog box.

Figure 9-68 Trigger dialog box.

Note that the dialog box is divided in two areas. The area on the left provides three different tabs for specifying various parameters, and the area on the right shows the virtual environment focused on the area near the newly defined trigger. The view on the right can be zoomed and panned using similar features as the main ISAT view area. It is used to graphically specify some trigger parameters that cannot be conveniently specified using GUI elements on the tabs.

Each trigger type has four tabs, the predicate tab that which is specific to each trigger type, the general tab that which gives options that are common to all triggers, the action tab that allows for specifying the actions for a trigger, and the comment tab for creating a comment for the trigger.

The General Tab

The Creation Radius, Activation Delay, and Lifetime are the same parameters associated with any scenario element. The remaining parameters are trigger-specific but apply to all triggers. See Section 10.1.2 for a detailed description of their functionality.

The Action Tab

The Actions tab is illustrated in Error! Reference source not found. Note that it is separated into sub-areas. The top area contains a list box and two buttons that allow the user to create new actions or delete existing actions. The bottom area is where the parameters associated with the actions can be specified.

To create a new action, click New. A new string will appear in the Actions box and, at the same time, the name of the action will appear in the Name box. The default Action Type is Create an element. Use the list menu to select the action type. Depending on the action type, various GUI elements will be enabled or will appear below the menu. This allows the specification of parameters related to the action. For example, when the action is Traffic Light, text fields appear that allow the user to specify the traffic light name and the state that the traffic light will be forced into.

Global Time Trigger

The firing condition of Global Time Trigger (GTT) becomes true when the elapsed wall-clock time since the start of a simulator run has exceeded a threshold. Note that the Instigator Set for this trigger is always empty.

Figure 9-69 Global Time Trigger

Global Time Trigger parameters

The only parameter associated with a GTT is the time threshold.

Road Pad Trigger

The Road Pad Trigger (RPT) is a trigger that fires when scenario elements travel over a specified section of the road network. The trigger can be programmed to filter the Instigator Set by specifying a list of names, a list of SOL categories, and other similar criteria. Once the RPT trigger fires, it determines the actual Instigator Set (i.e., the set of scenario elements that caused it to fire).

The road pad can be placed into the scenario by first, right clicking on the road pad trigger and selecting “Place Road Pad”, then clicking on a road to place the start and stop points. The start and stop points must be going the same direction on the road, in other words you cannot have the start point of the road pad on the south bound lane, and the stop point on the north bound lane. If you need a trigger for traffic going in both directions, you will have to place two road pad triggers, one for each direction. Road pads however can make turns, so you can have the start and stop points on different roads, just so long as they can make a valid path between the points.

Figure 9-70 Road Pad Trigger

Road Pad Trigger Parameters

There are two groups of parameters associated with the RPT. The first group of parameters limits the scenario elements that can cause the trigger to fire (i.e., act as instigators), whereas the second group of parameters trims the elements considered as the instigator set after the trigger fires. Filtering conditions specified through the first set of parameters (name, type, and road placement) are applied cumulatively. For example, if both names and types are specified, a scenario element must match both the name and the type to be eligible to cause the trigger to fire.

The following set of parameters filter which scenario elements can act as instigators for the trigger. Note that if more than one parameter sets are specified, then they are all applied concurrently. In effect, they are combined with a Boolean AND operation.

The Pad This is a set of contiguous road segments specifying an area that scenario elements must travel on to cause the trigger to fire. The pad can be within a single road and be specified as small as necessary, or it can be large and include intersection corridors. A pad must be specified with this trigger.
Name Set This is a set of scenario element names used to filter which scenario elements can act as instigators for the trigger. If more than one name is specified in the set, then a scenario element matching any of the names is included. If this parameter is not specified, then any element, independent of its name, is allowed to cause the trigger to fire.
Type Set This is a set of SOL object types used to filter which scenario element can act as instigators for the set. If more than one type is specified, then a scenario element whose SOL type matches any of the specified types is included. If this parameter is not specified, then any element, independent of its type, is allowed to cause the trigger to fire.
Road List This is a list of roads on which the instigating scenario elements must be traveling on to cause the trigger to fire. If not specified, then any element, independent of the road it is on, is allowed to cause the trigger to fire

The following parameters do not limit the elements that can act as instigators, but rather limit which elements are considered as instigators once a trigger fires. The instigator set computed after the trigger fire is relevant only when the Target Set is set to Instigator Set (see Section 10.1.1).

Ascending Path Position Ascending Path Position (APP) selects the scenario element whose position on the pad is the specified cardinal counting from the beginning of the pad.
Descending Path Position Descending Path Position (DPP) selects the scenario element whose position on the pad is the specified cardinal counting backwards from the end of the pad.

To better explain these parameters, consider the example of an RPT whose Name Set is { Veh1, Veh2 }, Type Set is { Vehicle, Truck }, and Road Set is { Elm St., Highway 1 }. Furthermore, the APP is set to first and DPP is not set. Let us further assume that at a given time in the simulation, five different scenario elements travel onto the pad associated with the trigger. The first element is of SOL type vehicle with name CarA, the second element is of SOL type vehicle with name CarB, the third element is of SOL type Truck with name Veh1, the fourth element is of SOL type Truck with name Veh3, and the fifth element is of SOL type Vehicle with name Veh2. Figure 9-71 illustrates this example along with extends of the pad.

Because of the Name Set constraint, only vehicles with the names Veh1 or Veh2 are considered. Therefore, of the five entities on the pad, only the middle and right most are eligible. The type of both entities is also within the Type Set, so they remain eligible. Finally, let us assume that the road on which the scenario elements are traveling is called Highway 1. That would satisfy the Road List constraint, so the trigger would fire. When the trigger fires, it will then create the instigator set. In this example, the APP is set to first. Therefore, out of the set { Veh1, Veh2 }, only Veh2 would be included in the Instigator Set because it is the first scenario element when measuring the position with respect to the remaining entities in the Instigator Set.

Let us consider the same example with some of the options modified.

If the APP was not specified and the DPP was set to Last, the post-firing instigator set would be Veh1.

If the Road List is set to { Elm St.}, the trigger would not fire because none of the vehicles on the pad would be on Elm St.

If the Name Set was not specified and the APP and DPP were not specified, then all scenario elements would cause the trigger to fire and they would all be included in the Instigator Set.

If the Name Set was not specified, the APP was set to second, and the DPP was set to third to last, the post-firing Instigator Set would be { Veh3, Veh1 }.

Time To Arrival Trigger

The Time To Arrival Trigger (TTAT) is similar to the RPT. The TTAT fires when a moving scenario element is within a certain time or arriving at a target point. The difference between the two triggers is that RPT the firing conditions become true once any of the instigator elements moves onto the pad, while the TTAT becomes true when any of the instigator elements moves onto a pad AND the estimated time of arrival to a target point is less than or equal to a specified value. The distance to this targeting point is calculated using straight-line distance, not road-wise distance.

The primary goal of the TTAT is to allow authoring of near-collision events where the time to collision is controllable.

The Target point is displayed as a orange dot in ISAT (Figure 9-72), and is inserted along with the road-pad.

Figure 9-72 Time to Arrival Trigger

Time To Arrival Trigger Parameters

Like the RPD, there are various groups of parameters associated with the TTAT. The first group of parameters limits the scenario elements that can cause the trigger to fire (i.e., act as instigators), whereas the second group of parameters trims the elements considered as the Instigator Set after the trigger fires. In fact, these parameters are identical to the ones in the RPT and are specified fully in Section Additional parameters associated with the TTAT include the following:

Time to Arrival This value is in seconds and specifies an upper threshold for the instigator's time to arrival to a target point. The trigger will fire when the actual TTA is less than or equal to this threshold.
Target Point This is a location in the virtual environment that acts as the target point for TTA calculations.
Use Acceleration This option specifies that the time to arrival trigger should take the drivers acceleration into account. The “Top Speed” option specifies a maximum speed the TTA trigger can assume the driver will accelerate to.
Figure 73 Time To Arrival Parameters

Traffic Light Trigger

The Traffic Light Trigger (TLT) fires when a selected traffic light reaches a specified state, such as “Red”. The traffic light the trigger uses is selected by right clicking on the trigger and selecting “Select Traffic Light” option, and then clicking on the traffic light. After the light is selected the user will be prompted for the state the trigger will fire on, such as “Red”, “Green”, “Flashing”, and so on. The Blue arrow (Figure 9-74) will point from the trigger to the traffic light that affects it, after the light has been selected.

Figure 9-74 Traffic Light Trigger

Traffic Light Trigger Parameters

The following parameters are associated with the TLT.

Traffic light name This is the name of the traffic light whose state is monitored by the trigger.
Traffic light state This is the state (i.e., color) of the light that will cause the trigger to fire.

Geometry Position Trigger

The Geometry Position Trigger (GPT) fires when any traffic element in its instigator set enters an arbitrary geometrical region. Conceptually, the GPT is similar to the RPT. However, unlike the RPT, whose pad can only be defined in relation to lanes on the road network, the GPT can have a pad, or in this case a polygonal region, on or off the road network. This allows elements that move outside the road network such as train carts and pedestrians to trigger scenario events. This trigger has been removed interface, and is not yet fully implement in ISAT as of version 1.1.35, future versions may include this trigger.

Geometry Position Trigger Parameters

The only parameter that is exclusive to the GPT is the actual geometry region. This is defined as an arbitrary convex polygon that can be placed anywhere within the virtual environment.

Follow Trigger

A follow trigger fires when the follower element follows the leader element for a specified amount of time or distance. The element is considered the leader, or the follower can be set in the predicate options tab. The leader or the follower can be set as the instigator in case you want an action to affect either element. The time and distance option describe the distance the follower must be behind the leader. Time specifies the time it takes the follower at its current speed to travel the distance between the leader and the follower, while distance specifies the actual distance between the follower and the leader. The tolerance sets how much variance from the distance there can be for the condition to be true. For instance if the distance is set to 150, and the tolerance set to +10% and minus 10% the follower would have to be between 135 feet and 165 for the condition to be considered true. The minimum duration specifies how long the follower must follow the leader at the specified distance for the action to fire. The “Speed Within” option specifies the how closely the leader’s and follower’s speed must match each other. The “Require Same Lane” simply specifies the leader and follower must be in the same lane.

Figure 9-75 Follow Trigger Predicate
Figure 9-76 Follow Trigger

Expression Trigger

An expression trigger fires a when a given expression is true. The expression is specified on the predicate tab.

Figure 9-77 Expression Trigger

Authoring Expression Triggers

NADs scenario control, and by extension ISAT, uses a recursive descent parser for supporting a simple expression language. The two main uses for the expression parser are for the expression trigger, and the time to arrival trigger. The expression trigger fires (predicate is true) whenever the expression evaluates to a value greater than 0; The Time To Arrival trigger uses the expression parser to calculate an arrival time. This is required in instances where the timing constraints for an event are too complex to use a static value for a time to arrival.

Syntax Overview

The NADS expression syntax uses a simple infix notation (i.e. a+b,not a b +). Currently the parser does have some short comings, such as it is not possible to embed one function call inside another so cos(sin(x) ), would not be legal


These operators can be used to make expressions, which will cause the desired object to perform actions, such as accelerate at a certain rate or maintain a varying distance form another object.


‘ ; ‘some string’


( ); (a)


  •  ; a * b


/ ; a/b


+ ; a + b


- ; a - b

Note: ISAT expression parser does not handle negation, so in order to express a

Value such as -5, a subtraction operation must be used. So negative 5 can be expressed as: (0-5)

Greater than

>; a > b

Less than

<; a 3

Function: CellEquals

Name -description CellEquals – Cell Equals Synopsis CellEquals(string name, int index, float value)


The Cell Equals function is similar to the ReadCell function, except it takes in an additional value to compare the cell value to. Like ReadCell, name specifies the name of the cell, index specifies the index into the array (use 0 for single value cells).

Available Cells:

  • LogStreams : Array of 5 floats. Logstreams are a set of values the scenario author can write to through “write to logstream” actions.
  • AccelPedalPos : Single Value. The current position of the accelerator pedal
  • CruiseControl: Single Value. The current cruise control position. (values are cab/platform specific)
  • TurnSignal: Single Value. The current position of the turn signal (values are cab/platform specific)

Return Value 1 if the cell value is equal to the passed in value, otherwise 0.

Function: GetObjVel

Name -description GetObjVel – Get Object Velocity

Synopsis GetObjVel(string name)

Description The GetObjVel gets the velocity in meters per second of the first dynamic object with the name specified by the ‘name’ argument.

Return Value The speed in meters per second of the specified dynamic object, if no object is found 0 is returned

Example GetObjVel(‘PullOutVeh’) > 15.4

Function: GetObjYtcToOv

Name -description

GetObjTtcToOv –Get Object Time To Collision to Own Vehicle

Synopsis GetObjTtcToOv(string name)

Description GetObjTtcToOv, gets the time to collision from the dynamic object specified by the name parameter, to the own vehicle. 0 is returned if no object can be found

Return Value Time to collision from the dynamic object specified by the name parameter, in seconds to the own vehicle. 0 is returned if no object can be found

Function: GetObjDistPow2

Name -description GetObjDistPow2 – Get Object Distance Squared

Synopsis GetObjDistPow2(string name)

Description GetObjDistPow2 returns the distance squared between the participant and the dynamic object specified by the ‘name’ parameter. The distance is in feet as measured from the eye position of the driver to the centroid of the dynamic object. Distance squared is used to having to perform an expensive square root calculation every frame. If the specified object cannot be found a value larger than 100 million is returned.

Return GetObjDistPow2 returns the distance squared between the participant and a specified dynamic object in feet. If the specified object cannot be found a value larger than 100 million is returned

Example GetObjDistPow2(‘OncomeCar1’)<2500

Forced Velocity expr Option

The expr option of the forced velocity dial, set the forced velocity based on a expression. The is useful when trying to create a following event in which the lead vehicle has what would seem to the participant a random speed but would be easily described by a relatively simple equation.

The forced velocity dial has its own syntax, that which is described elsewhere. In the example below, expr denotes the dial is a expression forced velocity, “-1” denotes the length of time is infinite for the expression, and the “%” signs denote the beginning and end of the expression.

expr -1 % 60.0 + ( (3.7 * sin( 50 ) ) + ( 1.85 * sin( 11 ) ) ) %

The expression parser used to parse the expression portion of the forced velocity action is the same as used in the expression trigger, except functions are different. The functions used for the forced velocity are for signal generation. The operators function the same as with the expression trigger.

Function: sin

Name -description

sin –sine


sin(float period)

sin(float period, float phase_offset)


The sin function a value base of the following equation:

sin( (timeSinceStart + phase_offset )* 3.141592654 * 1/period )

Where timesSinceStart is the time since the forced velocity action became active in seconds. If the phase_offset is not passed in the value is assumed to be 0.

Return Value The sin function returns a value between -1 and 1.

Function: FadeIn

Name -description FadeIn –Fade In

Synopsis FadeIn(float period)

FadeIn(float period, float offset)

Description The FadeIn function is a simple ramp function that goes from 0 to 1 in a linear manner in the time given by period. When the time since the dial became active exceeds the passed in value period (time is seconds), FadeIn will return 0. The offset parameter sets a delay in seconds of when to begin the slope.

Return Value The FadeIn function returns a value between 0 and 1.

Function: FadeOut

Name -description FadeIn –Fade Out


FadeOut(float period)

FadeOut(float period, float offset)


The FadeOut function is a simple ramp function that goes from 1 to 0 in a linear manner in the time given by period. This function is the opposite of the FadeIn function. When the time since the dial became active exceeds the passed in value period (time is seconds), FadeOut will return 1. The offset parameter sets a delay in seconds of when to begin the slope.

Return Value

The FadeOut function returns a value between 0 and 1.

Visual Trigger Representation

The visual representation of triggers has been designed to convey as much information about the trigger as possible without forcing the user to bring up the Properties dialog box to review the trigger's functionality. Unfortunately, given the amount of information associated with triggers, it is not possible to visually display all of it. Therefore, the current design focuses on a certain subset of all available information.

Figure 9-78 illustrates a typical representation of a trigger. A small red circle identifies the actual location of the trigger. This is the location used for Creation Radius calculations. A separate box with rounded corners is used to depict key parameters associated with the trigger. Two lines help associate the pictorial representation of the trigger with its home location. The pictorial representation can be dragged with the mouse to any location without moving the home location. This allows the pictorial representation to be spread so it does not occlude other scenario elements or other triggers.

Figure 9-78 Pictorial representation of triggers.

The pictorial trigger representation is divided into several areas, each containing smaller iconic indicators of the trigger's parameters. Figure 9-79 illustrates these areas and their meanings.

Figure 9-79 Icon areas.

The trigger type icon reflects the predicate used by the trigger. Figure 9-80 illustrates all trigger types side by side. Depicted from left to right are the global time trigger, road pad trigger, time to arrival trigger, traffic light trigger, and geometrical position trigger.

Figure 9-80 All trigger types.

The Action Cardinality area in Figure 9-79 provides a simple indication of the number of actions involved in the trigger. A single dot indicates a sole action, whereas multiple dots indicate multiple actions.

The Trigger Action icon pictorially represents the first action associated with the trigger. There is a distinct icon for each available trigger action; however, only the first action is depicted. If many actions are defined, the user has to use the dialog box to review the remaining actions. The Action Cardinality indicator can be useful in determining if actions other than the one depicted by the trigger action icon are defined. Figure 9-81 illustrates all iconic representations of the trigger actions. Depicted from left to right and top to bottom are the Create Element, Delete Element, Press Button, Set Dial, Select Traffic Manager Set, Play Audio, Vehicle Failure, Set Traffic Light, Log Data, Terminate Simulation, Pre-position Motion Base, Tune Motion Base, and Initiate Phone Call actions.

Figure 9-81 Iconic representation of all trigger actions.

Finally, the target set area provides an iconic representation of how the trigger's target set is determined. The precise iconic representation is currently under development, and an initial method of using the first letter of the set is utilized (e.g., T for type, N for name, etc.).

Using Triggers to build Scenario Events

Triggers are the building blocks of most scenario events. This section provides some guidelines and examples of how triggers can be used, with emphasis on the intended usage of each trigger. Keep in mind that the guidelines provided here should not be considered as a limitation. They are merely suggestions for how to use triggers. Finding new and innovative ways to use triggers is encouraged.

Triggers generally have low computational overhead, so they can be used freely within reason. However, when the number of triggers in a scenario exceeds one hundred or so, some care should be taken to control the computational load. The easiest way to do this is by using the Creation Radius parameter to activate a trigger only when a driver gets near.

The actual placement of the trigger is not important other than affecting when the trigger is activated when the Creation Radius is specified. Therefore, place the trigger near the region where it will be affecting things, but not on the road network where it can hide other scenario elements.

Carefully evaluate the need of either defining a trigger as a one-shot trigger or specifying a non- zero denounce value. Several triggers will fire continuously after their predicate is satisfied. For example, with a zero denounce value, the global time trigger will fire continuously once the specified time has been reached. This can be problematic if its action is to create an ADO. At the scenario control system’s default execution rate of 30 Hz, such a trigger will create 300 new objects in 10 seconds. This is guaranteed to overload not only the scenario control system, but also the Image Generator, the real-time communication channels, and a variety of other subsystems. The simulation will ultimately halt because of the overload.

The intended usage of certain trigger actions should be very clear. For example, the Terminate Simulation action can be used to deterministic stop the simulation either when the driver reaches a particular point or after a fixed amount of time. Therefore, a global time trigger whose action is to terminate the simulation provides a convenient way to ensure that all subjects in an experiment drive for exactly the same time. Other actions are much more flexible. For example, setting the dial of a traffic element is a powerful way to modify the behavior of traffic. When using such actions, it is critical to use the ISAT’s rehearsal mode to verify that the actual behavior is what was intended.

When using actions that affect other scenario elements, the selection of the Target Set (i.e., the scenario elements that will be affected by the trigger) is critical. There are several ways to select the Target Set, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, multiple constraints can be used to define the Target Set. When multiple constraints are specified, they must all be satisfied for a scenario element to make it in the final Target Set. In other words, the constraints are combined with a Boolean AND operation. Further considerations for each constraint are given below:

  • Using the name of a scenario element is convenient; however, keep in mind that uniqueness of names is not enforced within the scenario control system. As a result, this type of selection is best used when the intended target is created by means other than the traffic manager. For example, forcing an ADO to run a red light can be done by creating the ADO with a specific name that the user ensures is unique, then using a trigger whose Target Set is by name.
  • Using the type of a scenario element usually makes sense in combination with another constraint, such as geometric position. An example of using the type as a constraint would be to place a trigger that, when it fires, dictates that all trucks on a given area should take the next exit. The type and geometric position would be used, along with an action that presses the Turn Right button on the selected scenario elements.
  • The road position constraint allows selection of any number of lanes so that all elements traveling on these lanes would be included in the target set. Combined with the type or name constraints, this provides a very powerful mechanism for selecting objects.
  • The geometric position trigger is similar to the road position, but it uses a geometric shape that can be used “off-road”. Use it to select pedestrians or rail vehicles.
  • The Instigator Set indicates that the trigger will affect the same objects that caused the trigger to fire. A simple example of using it is in defining a traffic sink (i.e., a place in the road network that deletes any scenario element that travels there). To implement this, select the action "Delete" with the Target Set specified as Instigator Set. Another issue to consider when using the Instigator Set is that various triggers provide additional flexibility in defining the Instigator Set. For example, a road pad trigger may fire because three vehicles stepped on the pad simultaneously. Alternatively, a trigger may have an activation delay so that by the time the trigger is activated, there are numerous vehicles on its pad. All such vehicles would belong to the Instigator Set unless the trigger parameters specified in the Specific tab in the Trigger dialog box further trim the Instigator Set.

Finally, try to utilize the triggers’ ability to have multiple actions associated with them. A scenario will execute faster and be easier to understand if it uses fewer triggers that do more things, as opposed to numerous triggers that have the same predicate but do different things.

Verification Tool

Misuse of triggers is one of the biggest causes of scenario authoring errors; these errors include creating stop or start data reduction without a stop, missing predicate information, missing action information and many other errors. The verification tool was introduced in order to help catch these errors. The verification tool is launched by clicking on (the Red check) icon on the view toolbar. This tool will not find all possible errors, it is meant to help catch simple authoring errors.

Click the verify button to refresh the error list. Click on the error description will set the focus on the scenario element in question. The verification tool is run when the .scn is saved, if an error is found the verification window is opened. This can be disabled by going to the Edit->Preferences->Verify and unchecking the check at start option.

Figure 9-82 Verification Tool

Data Reduction Graph

The data reduction graph is a new tool that has been introduced in ISAT version 1.5, which is meant visualize data reductions. One problem with data reductions is that there is no way for ISAT to automatically tell if for a given event all the possible start and stops of the event have a stop or start data reduction action. For instance if we have an event where the car suddenly stops in front of the participant, and we are trying to comprehend their reaction time, we need to have a stop reduction for each possible case the driver could avoid the accident, such as either stopping, or swerving to avoid the accident.

The reduction graph has two views, “By Reduction”, and “By Action”. The “By Reduction” view organizes the chart by each reduction, that which is identified by actions that have the same group number, variable type and column name. Since each action can have multiple variables, a specific action may appear in multiple under multiple reductions. The “By Action” view organizes the view by action. It draws a line from each stop reduction action to the start reduction action that it is stopping. When an action block is clicked on, ISAT will set the view to the trigger that contains the given action

[[File: DataRedutionGraph.png |600px|thumb|center|Figure 9-83 Data Reduction Graph]

Reusing Scenario Components


Reuse is a desirable characteristic of any system that involves the development of detailed and laborious specifications. The ISAT allows the specification of numerous attributes associated with a virtual environment with the goal of providing deterministic and repeatable events to the simulator driver. Many of these specifications can take a lot of time to develop and tune, so it is desirable to have the ability to reuse them in other scenarios. The ISAT utilizes a component merge capability whose goal is to allow reuse of components that have been developed in other scenario files.

In general, when two scenarios use the same synthetic environment, any scenario elements can be used in either scenario. However, using scenario elements defined in the context of one synthetic environment in another scenario that uses a different synthetic environment is problematic. The key problem is the remapping of references to road network locations or objects that exist in one synthetic environment but may not exist in the other. Reusing a scenario event that utilizes a group of scenario elements in different parts of the same map poses similar problems. For example, a near-collision scenario caused by an ADO forced to run a red traffic light should be usable in any intersection, as long as it uses traffic lights. However, there are numerous issues involving the preservation of temporal relationships and event perception that cannot be easily addressed.

Because the solution of these problems is an active area of research, the ISAT utilizes two simpler methods to allow reuse. The first involves the use of Copy and Paste operations to reuse single scenario elements, and the second uses a Component Merge capability for reusing additional components.

Reuse through Copy and Paste

The Copy and Paste capability of the ISAT, combined with its multi-document interface design, can be used to copy elements from one scenario to the other. Specifically, the Paste operation allows the user to specify a new location on the road network of the new scenario that overrides the old location of the element. This allows reuse of scenario elements even across scenarios that use different synthetic environments.

This approach becomes problematic, however, in cases when many individual scenario elements have to be copied (as in the case of having manually placed numerous static objects all over the map), or for high-level coordinators such as the TM or TLM that cannot be copied to the clipboard. For such cases, use of the Component Merge capability can provide a solution.

Reuse through Component Merge

Component merge is a special operation activated by selecting Merge Components from the File menu. The dialog box shown in Figure 10-84 appears.

Figure 10-84 Selecting a scenario from which to merge components.

Select any scenario file that uses the same LRI (the virtual environment), whose components are to be reused. The dialog box shown in Figure 10-85 appears when Open is clicked.

Figure 10-85 Component Merge dialog box.

Four separate components (TM, TLM, static objects, and global environment conditions) can be merged into the current scenario by selecting the appropriate check boxes. Note that only components that are actually defined in the selected scenario file are enabled. In the example shown in Figure 10-85, only the TLM is available for import.

When the TM box is selected, all TMIS are imported in the current scenario and added to any existing TMIS in the current scenario. Any TMIS in the current scenario with the same name as merged TMIS are over-written.

When the Static Objects check box is selected, all static objects defined in the new file are imported to the current scenario. Existing static objects are left untouched.

When the Global Environment Conditions check box is selected, the default (global) environment conditions in the new file are used in the current scenario, overwriting any pre-existing conditions in the current scenario.

Finally, when the Traffic Light Manager check box is selected, the traffic light settings for CLGs in the new file are brought into the current TLM set, overwriting any current settings.

In addition to global components, the Component Merge dialog box gives a list of individual traffic elements in the new file. Selecting any of them will copy them to the current file using their exact same placement and properties.

Reuse through Groups

Groups can be used to store groups of objects in a separate file. This allows these groups to be imported in other scenarios or linked to another scenario. When a group is imported, it adds a copy of the group to the scenario file. Any changes to the elements in these groups will not affect the original group file. When a group is linked or added as an external reference, this adds a reference to the file in the scenario file, and does not store the actual members of the group. This means that when a group files is added as external reference the group file must always be kept with the file. In addition, you cannot modify members of groups that are added as external references. This has the advantage of allowing a single section of a scenario to be saved as a group and used across multi scenarios. Groups are discussed in detail in section 3.18.

Appendix A: Authoring a Lead Vehicle Pull Out (LVPO) Event

This section is a tutorial designed to help a beginning scenario author to develop their first useful scenario. In this particular example, we are going to demonstrate Lead Vehicle Pull Out (LVPO) event. A LVPO event is when a car pulls out in front of the external driver (participant), in this particular example when a the external driver approaches a intersection we are going to have a vehicle pull out in front of them, effectively cutting them off.

Figure 10-86 LVPO

For this tutorial, you may select any LRI with a 3 or 4-way intersection with traffic lights. For this example, we chose WirelessUA.bli, and used the southern most intersection.

Step 1

Place the external driver. The external driver represents the participant vehicle in the simulation, for this example we need to place the driver significantly far away from the intersection that our event is to take place. The driver must take longer than 10 seconds to travel from there starting point to the intersection. To place the external driver, go to Insert->External Driver in the main menu. This will allow you to insert the external driver like any other scenario element. Once the external driver has been place, you can edit some of the external driver settings by going to Edit->Initial Condition. This will bring up the initial conditions dialog that which will let you change the cab type and make other general changes.

Figure 10-87 Initial Conditions

Step 2 Place the Lead Vehicle. Now that we have placed the external driver, we need to place the lead vehicle that is to cut off our participant, hence creating our event. We need to select a ADO. To place an ADO go to Insert->ADO from the main menu, or by clicking on the ADO button on the toolbar. The Lead Vehicle needs to be placed such that it can make a right hand turn in front of our driver. In addition, the ADO needs to be close enough to the intersection that it is stopped at the intersection before the start of the event. Once we have place the Lead Vehicle we need to instruction it to make a right hand turn. This can be done by specifying the Lead Vehicle’s path. To do this, right click on the Lead Vehicle, and select the extend path option, and click on the lane the Lead Vehicle will be turning onto, past the intersection. This will place a blue path showing the path the Lead Vehicle will travel. Once the Lead Vehicle reaches the end of the path it will just continue as normal.

Figure 10-88 ADO Path

Step 3 Setting up the traffic lights. In order to make sure the lead vehicle waits at the intersection for the external driver to approach we need to make sure the light at the intersection is red. We do this through the traffic light manager. The traffic light manager can be accessed through Edit- >Traffic Light Manager. Select the relevant traffic light from the applicable intersections list and press the button. This intersection will now be placed in the controlled intersections list. Now click on the intersection in the controlled intersections list. This will bring the state of the traffic light in the middle list box. When you click on the light name in the name in the list box it will highlight in the mini ISAT view the light the name is connected too. In order to change the state on the light, right click on the light value in the next column over from the light, it will list the lights state (R, G, Y). Once you right click on the light it will pop up a menu that you can select the state of the light from. For this example we will want the light the external driver is traveling on to be green, and the other lights to be red.

Figure 10-89 Traffic Light Manager

Step 4 Lead vehicle pull out. In this step, we want to cause the lead vehicle to make a right turn when the driver is within 7 seconds of the intersection. Remember triggers operate effectively as “if then” statements, if its predicate is satisfied then execute the action(s). We will place a road pad trigger and a time to arrival trigger to accomplish this. The first step is to place the time to arrival trigger. The road pad trigger can be inserted from Insert->Time to Arrival menu. Once placed, ISAT will bring up the road pad trigger settings dialog. On the predicate tab, place the time as 7, and hit the “Set Ext Driver” button, this will select the external driver as the predicate set (only the members of the predicate set may be evaluated by the predicate). Next click on the Actions tab. Hit the new button and select “Set Dial” in the “action type” combo box, and “ForcedVelocity” in the Dial combo. Next, hit the “Set Params” button. This will bring up the Set Forced Velocity dialog. Select Target Velocity and set MPH to 7 and Accel to 2.9. This will cause the target to accelerate to 7 Mph at a rate of 2.9. Hit “OK”. In the Action tab, select under “who to effect” the “Name” option and hit the “…” button to the right of the name option. This will pop up a dialog. Add the “Lead Vehicle” to the candidate set. This action will force the Lead Vehicle to start pulling out in front of the external driver.


Next, we place the road pad. We do this by right clicking on the road pad trigger and selecting the “place road pad” option. The road pad needs to be placed such that its start point is far enough away from the intersection that we can catch a driver driving well above the speed limit. The end point needs to be placed such that if the driver is going well below the speed limit they will still be on the pad when they are 7 seconds from the intersection. The green dot is the start point, the red dot is the end point, and the orange dot is the target point. Place the target point just past the intersection around the point where the external driver and the lead vehicles paths would first intersect.

Now that we have placed the Time to Arrival trigger, we want to place a road pad trigger that will fire when the lead vehicle starts to turn right. This trigger will speed the lead vehicle up to the speed limit. By placing two trigger to cause the lead vehicle to speed up we can create a more natural looking turn. Road pad trigger can be inserted from the Insert->Coordinators->Road Pad Trigger menu. The road pad trigger will be set up in the same manner as the time to arrival trigger, except the lead vehicle will be the only member of the predicate set. On the actions tab we need to first add a “reset dial” action, with ForcedVelocity set as the Dial. Also, the sequential option needs to be selected, and Delay (bottom of the tab page) should be set to .1. In addition, we need to set the who to affect option to select the lead vehicle just like we did with the time to arrival trigger. The purpose of the reset dial action is to inform the lead vehicle that it is no longer supposed to follow the previous forced velocity dial, and it needs at least one frame to reset itself.

Next we want to add a set forced velocity action. This will be the same as the set forced velocity action from the time to arrival trigger except the speed now will be set to 35, the acceleration will be 2.9 as well. Again, we need to set the Who to Affect options to the lead vehicle. This must be done for each action. The last thing we need to do is to place the road pad. So right click on the road pad trigger and select place road pad. The road pad should be place the same as the bellow figure.

Figure 10-90 Turn lane Accel

Step 6 Testing

Now that we have, the basic elements of our event down, we can now use the rehearsal mode to insure that our event is working. The icon in the mode tool bar to enter the rehearsal mode. Here we can “run” the scenario. You can also start the rehearsal mode through the menu Mode → Rehearsal. The rehearsal mode will run two iterations of dynamics and one iteration of behaviors every frame. The behaviors and dynamics modules are also used in the NADS. Press the play button on the rehearsal dialog to start the simulation. The lead car should be pulling out just in front of the external driver in this scenario. If the lead vehicle is not pulling out in front of the external driver, we will have to check our setting on the individual scenario elements. Is the “SetForcedVel” action set right? Is the Time to arrival trigger firing?

Step 7 Data Reduction

Data reduction effectively adds markers into the data stream to help calculate certain data. Such as you can insert a “Reaction Time” data reduction event. This will provide data on the reaction time to an event quickly. In this particular event, we want to monitor the reaction time of the participant to the lead vehicle pulling out. Here we will be monitoring the time it takes the user to take their foot of the gas pedal, and the time it takes the user to apply the brakes. This first step in this process is to add a start data reduction at the start of the event. To do this we will make a time to arrival trigger that is identical to the time to arrival trigger that we inserted in step 2. The only difference is that we will not be inserting a set dial action. Instead, we will place a “start data reduction” action. We could use the same trigger as we do to advance the lead vehicle to the intersection to start our data reduction, but if we make some changes to that trigger, like adding additional sequential actions, our start data reduction action might not be fired at the correct time.

In this particular case, we are going to want to measure the reaction time of our participant to the event. We will measure this by measuring the time it takes the participant to take their foot of the gas pedal, and how long it takes the participant to apply the brakes. We will need two separate “start data reduction” actions for this event since we are measuring two separate reaction times. So first add a new action and select “Start Data Reduction” under action type. Then hit the parameters button. This will bring up the data reduction dialog. Set the group to one, and double click on “Reaction Time”. This will bring up the define parameters dialog. We will set the Column name to “LVPO1”, which which will identify the event, and Custom we will type in “BrakeT1”, this will identify this data reduction as measuring the brake pedal. Now hit “OK”, on the Define Parameters dialog and on the Data reduction Dialog. Now we can add our second data reduction. We will repeat the same process we used for inserting the first start data reduction action except we will set the group number to 2 in the “Data Reduction” dialog and set “Custom to “AccelT” in the Define parameters dialog. This will indicate that we are starting measure the gas pedal reaction time.


Now that we have our start data reductions set up, we need to add our stop data reductions. This will place a stop marker in our data stream, that will inform the data reduction that this event has stopped. In this case it will then measure the reaction time for the event as that is what we have specified as the data reduction type. We will use an expression trigger to fire our stop data reduction events. We will need two expression triggers, one for the brake pedal, and one for the accelerator pedal


Appendix B: Data Verification using ISAT Playback

The simulators at the NADS collect a tremendous amount of raw data from various subsystems, including motion, dynamics, and scenario. A 20-minute drive on NADS-1 or NADS-2 may generate over 500 MB of raw data. Data reduction is the process of transforming raw data into meaningful performance measures that can be interpreted and used by the experimenter.

Data verification is the process of ensuring that collected data are reliable, valid, and complete, yet concise. Reliability in this case reflects the extent to which driving performance measures are consistent and measured with a minimum amount of error. Validity in this case has several interpretations, including the extent to which the results address the experimental hypotheses and pertain to real-world driving on actual roadways. Regarding completeness, missing data can be a problem when the participant does something unexpected, or when the inevitable computer errors occur. It is important to consider the impact of missing data and to work around the problem to the extent possible.

ISAT is one tool used for data verification; other tools include MATLAB, and digital video of simulator runs.

In a given study, some variables are more practical to verify than others. Examples of variables that are conducive to verification include between-subjects variables (e.g., participant number, age group, gender), reaction time measures, and collisions. To decide which variables to verify, start with the entire list of variables reduced for that particular study, and determine whether any tools could be used for verification of that variable. Keep in mind that verification can mean determining that the obtained values are exactly correct (e.g., number of collisions), or simply performing a sanity check on the values to ensure they are in a reasonable range (e.g., phase angle, a car following measure). Some variables that are appropriate for use with ISAT verification may be :

SCC_CollisionCount: number of collisions between the participant and the dynamic objects. SCC_Lane_Deviation: used to verify lane excursions. CFS_Accelerator_Pedal_Position: used to verify reaction time.

Collision count

To examine/count collisions, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose the variable SCC_Collision_Count from the drop-down list of variables, and click Add Variable.
  1. To graph the SCC_Collision_Count, select it in the Name: drop-down and hit Full Graph. This will bring up a graph of SCC_Collision_Count. Clicking on a location on the graph will advance the playback to that time.
  1. Watch each drive in Playback Mode and determine whether the participant collided with any vehicles or objects (“collided” means that any part of the two objects overlap). Static objects such as road signs and some parked vehicles will only appear in Playback Mode if the specific scenario file for that drive is loaded. Dynamic objects such as other moving vehicles will appear in Playback Mode regardless of whether the scenario file or the binary LRI file is used.

Lane excursions

To examine/count lane excursions, perform the following steps:

  1. A lane excursion is recorded when the participant vehicle’s tires exit the lane on either the left or right side. In ISAT, the tires cannot be seen, so the variable SCC_Lane_Deviation is used as a surrogate. When SCC_Lane_Deviation exceeds a certain value (the exact value will depend on the width of the modeled vehicle), the researcher will observe that the participant’s vehicle has exited its lane.
  1. To verify reported excursions, a report can be obtained of all excursions recorded in reduced data, with the following headings: right or left excursion, starting and ending frame numbers, and maximum extent out of lane. Each reported excursion is evaluated using the ISAT to ensure that the participant had in fact exited his or her lane at the point indicated.
  1. To use the search feature click on “Search Frames”. This will bring up the “Goto Frame” dialog. For SCC_Lane_Deviation we will want the second parameter value of this variable.
  1. SCC_Collision_Count

Reaction time to event

To examine reaction time to an emergency event, such as an incurring vehicle, perform the following steps:

  1. Determine a sensible start point from which to look for the reaction of interest. In the case of an incurring vehicle, the point at which the vehicle begins to move is a logical start point. This point can be identified in ISAT by watching the pertinent section of the drive, and looking for the incurring vehicle’s first appearance, then its first movement.
  1. One possible reaction time measure is the time difference between the moment the incurring vehicle starts moving (labeled as start frame) and the moment the participant reduces his or her accelerator pedal position by 10% (labeled as end frame). In this case, to find the end frame, accelerator pedal position is recorded at the start frame. When the participant reduces accelerator pedal position by 10%, that frame is recorded as the end frame. The difference between the two frames divided by 240 (number of simulation frames per second) is the reaction time.

Scenario Building Help

Appendix C: Scenario Authoring Help

This section is intended as a little quick help in getting started with the ISAT. The manual contains many more details on all aspects of scenario authoring.

External Driver

To determine to scenario’s starting location select Insert->External Driver this turns the cursor into the insertion cursor, and when you hit enter, will insert the External Driver into the scenario. The External Driver appears as a car (or truck) with all its lights on. When the simulation run begins, the driver will start in the location and orientation specified by the External Driver. It is best to position the External Driver on a road, since the simulation may become unstable if it is not. The External Driver is also sometimes referred to as the ExternalDriver, Own Vehicle, Ownership, or simply Driver.


These are Autonomous Dynamic Objects, semi-intelligent cars that you can insert into the scenario. They will follow the road network, adhering to the rules of the road, and responding to other cars. ADOs should only be placed on roads, because their behaviors only work there, and the simulation may become unstable if they are off road. When they are first inserted, they have settings in there default state. Most of these settings you won't want to change, but you will want to change the its model type by going to the SOL Model tab. don’t pick “Random within category” because some models may not function correctly, and it is better to have known models so that all scenario models can be pre-created.The importance of pre-creation is described in the Performance section, 1.13.1.

You could change its initial velocity (velocity at creation), from the Velocity Control tab. From the same tab you can also give it a target velocity by moving the mph slider. This target velocity is the speed the ADO will attempt to maintain if road conditions allow.

To specify the ADO's path, right click on the model, and select Extend Path. Then right click on the road network to create its path. The path has to be a route that the ADO could follow.


Deterministic Dynamic Objects only follow the path and speed they are given. They can be placed anywhere in the network. They blindly follow their path, at the given speed, without regard for any other objects. To set their path, right click on the model, and select Add Path Nodes. Right click again and again for each node. A left click will stop inserting nodes.

Static Objects

These are objects or vehicles placed in the scenario which will have a visual representation at runtime, but no other behavior.


These are scenario objects which coordinate actions between various scenario elements. Triggers are the main coordinators, but there are also Sources and the Traffic Light Manager.


These elements fire (perform some action) when there predicate is true. They are named by predicate type, so a Roadpad Trigger is one that is fired when the appropriate object drives over its road pad. An Expression Trigger fires when its expression is true. Time Triggers fire at the specified time, Follow Triggers fire when their follow conditions are met, and Traffic Light triggers fire when the appropriate traffic light state occurs.

Details of the firing conditions are authored from the trigger’s Predicate page. In the case of a Roadpad Trigger, you select the object that will drive over the trigger's roadpad. You can select it by name, type, or road. If you want the External Driver to trigger the action, choose By Type Set -> ExternalDriver.

All trigger have the same set of actions which they can perform. They can do such things as create and object, delete an object, set a cell or variable, set a dial or button on an object, terminate the simulation, etc. The ISAT manual goes into details on all the actions, and how they are authored.


A source creates ADOs at specific locations, at regular intervals.

Traffic Light Manager

The Traffic Light Manager is used to author each intersection’s traffic lights. Section 1.14.1 gives an example of authoring with the Traffic Light Manager

Scenario Testing

To test your scenario, run it in rehearsal mode. Select Mode->Rehearse, and the scenario will perform, as if it is being run on the simulator. You will see the ADOs and DDOs following their paths, you can see triggers fire, and traffic lights changing. The External Driver will behave as if it is an ADO, following the rules of the road and responding to other objects.

The External Driver can be given a path, but it can’t be directed like an ADO. It can't be authored so that it changes lanes, or adjusts its speed. If you wish to test the scenario with behavior you expect of experimental subjects, you need to make a separate test scenario. Make a copy of your scenario, and replace the External Driver with a test ADO, giving is some unique name like “DriverTest.” Then author that test ADO so that it drives in the way you expect of the driver. You can use triggers to modify its speed, change lanes, stop, etc. Then modify the triggers that are to be fired by type, ExternalDriver, so that they are instead fired by Name, “DriverTest.”

DAQ Playback

After you have collected data from an actual simulation run, you can play that file back using Playback mode. Select Mode->Playback, and a dialog like the one shown in Figure 1 will appear. Use the open file button to browse to the appropriate file. The bli file used in creating the DAQ file and the bli file open in the ISAT should match, or the Playback behavior won't match the road network.

Figure 1 - DAQ Playback Dialog

Scenario Building Help


A big help in authoring, and debugging scenarios is to break them up into segments.

Independent Events

Try to ensure that each event is not dependent upon a previous event’s outcome. For instance, if you plan to have a lead vehicle breaking event, followed by a time of following the lead vehicle, and then another lead vehicle break. It would be best to have a different lead vehicle for each portion. The driver often does something completely unexpected, and if, instead of breaking for the first event, he passes the lead vehicle, the rest of your events have been ruined. It would be better to have a lead vehicle break, then another vehicle pull in and be the leader for the follow portion, then a different vehicle be the leader for the final break event.

Logstream Divisions

Breaking the route into sections physical sections is also useful. Set up roadpad triggers to increment one of the logstreams as the driver proceeds through the route. For example, at the start of the scenario, set logstream1 to 0, then every 2 miles increment that logstream by 1. This logstream value can either be displayed on the screen, or found in the DAQ replay. Having these logstream values helps pinpoint problem locations during debugging. It is also allows test drivers to better report the results of their drives.

Restart locations

Since scenarios can be very long, and drivers do unexpected things or simply don’t follow the drive instructions, restart scenarios are often part of the experimental plan. Restart scenarios may also be useful in authoring and debugging long, or complicated scenarios. Normally restart scenarios can be made by taking a copy of the original scenario, changing the start location, deleting the unnecessary objects and modifying the objects near the start of this new scenario. Having the different parts of the scenario independent of other parts, makes creating restart scenarios easier.

Scenario reuse

To simplify the authoring of scenarios, there are various forms of scenario reuse.

Object cut and paste

Once you have an object’s settings the way you like, it is often easier to copy and paste that object then to create another one. This is especially helpful if you are creating a lot of oncoming traffic ADOs or deletion triggers. To copy an object, select it, then Edit->Copy. When you choose Edit->Paste, the cursor will become the insertion cursor and hitting enter will place the object in the new location. If you were placing a series or oncoming ADOs you would only need to rename it, and possibly change its model.

If you copy and paste a roadpad trigger, the trigger will be in the new location, but its roadpad may not. If it isn’t, simply delete the old roadpad and place a new one. You can also copy groups of objects, like DDOs by simply selecting all of them before choosing Copy.

Merge Component and External References

The ISAT manual has specifics on creating groups of objects and then either merging then from one scenario into a second scenario, or referencing those objects from a second scenario. Briefly, right clicking an object brings up a menu with Group as the top option. Either select an already created Group, or make a new one, to put that object into the group. An object can only be a part of one group. Once you have groups in one scenario, from your second scenario select File and then Merge Component or External Reference. With Merge Component the group of objects will be written into your second file, and editable within it. With External Reference, the group of objects will be written into the scenario at run-time, and only editable in the first file.

In the sample scenarios, ISAT-Samples-Avoid.scn, and ISAT-Samples-Left- Incursion.scn refer to traffic and parked cars created in ISAT-Samples-Right- Incursion.scn. The same group of oncoming traffic could be used in multiple scenarios with slightly different event criteria. A close look at ISAT-Samples-Right-Incursion.scn shows that static objects as well as database sign settings, can also be included in a group, and also therefore as part of an external reference.


The following sections list some formatting techniques I’ve found helpful in authoring scenarios. Since scenarios can be quite complicated it helps to have a consistent format so that others (or yourself after a period of time) can make sense of the scenarios.

Unique object names Give each object a unique name. Since objects in the goto bar, objects are listed alphabetically, it won’t help you find a specific ADO if they are all named: “Traffic ADO.” Also, objects for a specific event could be given group names like: incursionAdo, incursionParked1, incursionDeletTrigger, etc. For triggers, unless they are part of a specific group, I normally give them names that indicate their type, followed by their main action. A Road Pad Trigger would be “RPT Delete1” or “RPT Create oncoming Traffic.” Time Trigger names would be prefaced by a “TT,” Expression Triggers by “ET,” etc. For traffic ADOs, I either give them just generic names like Ado1,Ado2, etc, or area specific names such as Down1, Down2, Oncoming1, Oncoming2, etc.

Initializations at start

Some logstreams, cells, and variables need to be initialized at scenario start. It is best to put the trigger(s) that sets these initialization values close to the scenario start location.

Created triggers

If one trigger creates another trigger, put them close to each other for easy reference and editing. It also helps to always put them in the same relationship to each other. For example always put the created trigger on top of the creating trigger.

Trigger point by road pad

I put roadpad triggers close to the start of their roadpad. This way, when you are looking at the big picture of the scenario, it’s easy to get a sense of where the triggers are happening.

Give all actions meaningful names

When a trigger is selected, it displays its name, as well as its actions. Since the default names are action1, action2, etc, it is better to give them a meaningful name so you can quickly find the trigger to edit.


When you test the scenario by running it in Rehearsal Mode, the debug side bar comes up. Since some error messages give the object’s name and location, having unique object names helps track down the errors.

Scenario Robustness

There are a few different things you can do to ensure that scenarios perform, each time, as you expect.

Long Roadpads Roadpad triggers are one of the most common scenario elements. If they are triggered by the driver, it is a good idea to give them a long roadpad, even up to a couple hundred feet, since it is not uncommon for the driver to swerve out of the lane, especially during events.

Clean Deletions

Delete ADOs quickly after they have served their purpose. Otherwise they could end up driving around and firing triggers in unexpected manners.

One Shot and Debounce If you only want a trigger to fire once, make sure the One Shop option is checked. If you want a trigger to fire multiple times, make sure to set the Debounce correctly. The Debounce setting determines the time, while its predicate is true, between firings. For instance you may use an Expression Trigger to play a play a message every time the driver reaches a certain speed. In that case, give the Debounce a value slightly longer then the length of the message, or you may have that message play multiple times.


Pre-creation of all objects The process of creating an object could cause a hiccup in the visuals. In order to minimize this, all models that will be needed during the simulation should be created at the beginning of the scenario. When an object is created, and then deleted, the Image Generator (IG) doesn’t delete the object it just moves it to a place out of sight. And then when the object is needed again, it is moved instead of being created. The process of moving the object to the correct location doesn’t cause a jitter, while the act of creating that object could.

This pre-creation needs to occur at the beginning of the scenario, and the models need to be pre-created within about 500 feet of the driver’s starting location. Figure 2 shows the starting location from ISAT-Samples-Right-Incursion.scn. Notice the group of models just below the driver. Each is a DDO, since ADOs being created off road generate errors. There is a model and color of each ADO used in the scenario. They each have a lifetime of one second. The one uppermost and to the left has an activation delay of 0, the one next to it, and activation delay of 0.1, the one next to it, an activation delay of 0.2 seconds, etc, and in the same manner for all 80 models. This way all models are created and exist for one second, which is enough for each model to be instantiated by the image generating software. Also notice that the models are created fairly close to the driver, but off to the side so that they don’t appear when they are created.

Figure 2 – Pre-creation Example

Minimization of active objects Each object puts a load upon the image generating software, the behaviors, and the dynamics. Too many objects will put enough load on the system that you will start to see visual jitters, and eventually some scenario objects will become unstable and may do unexpected things.

Planned path To help minimize the amount of active objects, create a different scenario for each experimental drive. That way each scenario will have a specific path and traffic and objects can be tailored to fit that drive, and only traffic that is actually seen by the driver needs to be created.

Cloud of traffic with driver Creating a cloud of traffic, travelling in the same direction as the driver, gives a sense of being full, without putting too much load on the system. On a two lane road, it might be sufficient to put three vehicles in front of the driver, and one or two behind it. On a four lane road you might need to add a couple more in front and behind

Creation radius for triggers Triggers put a load on the behaviors software, since they check, every frame, to see if their predicate is true. If the driver is going to hit a roadpad trigger, give the trigger a small creation radius, like three hundred feet. Doing this will cause the trigger to only be active when the driver is close. Other triggers could be deleted once they have fired, or will no longer be needed.

Creation radius and Curves for oncoming traffic To minimize the time that oncoming traffic is active, give them a creation radius of 2000 or more feet. At about 2000 feet, you can see objects “pop in” as they are created, beyond that you normally don’t see that effect. If you give objects a creation radius greater then the pop-in distance, they will only be created, as needed, and will be deleted when out of sight. To further minimize the load, you could use curves and hills to shrink the creation radius further.

Clean deletions Sometimes you will not be able to give vehicles or triggers a creation radius. If that is the case you could have the driver delete them with a road pad trigger, when they are no longer needed. If ADOs are not deleted, they may interact in unexpected ways, like driving back around and a loop, and hitting triggers at unexpected times. They also put unneeded load on the system

Other Things

Traffic Light Authoring

The ISAT manual has details on authoring a scenario’s traffic lights. Figure 3 shows the settings for a typical type of intersection, with lights along one lane being red for thirty- three seconds then turning green for thirty and yellow for three. Along the other line of traffic, the pattern is reversed. Sometimes you may never want the lights to change, in which case you give them one desired state.

Figure 3 – Traffic Light Authoring Dialog

Triggers Creating Time Triggers

Time Triggers use global time, they are not timers. If you want to create a use a Global Time Trigger as a timer, you will need to modify its activation settings. For example, you may want to play a message, exactly forty-five seconds after the driver passes a certain portion of the road. You would then use a RoadPad Trigger to create a TimeTrigger. Set the TimeTrigger to fire at zero seconds with an activation delay of forty-five seconds.

Persistent Actions

Most actions are completed shortly after they are initiated. So if you are using a trigger, you could have that one trigger do a series or actions. You could create and object, then 5 seconds later, delete it, then 5 seconds later play an audio message, then 10 seconds later terminate the simulation.

Some actions are persistent, that is they are never completed, and could not be part of a series of actions. The persistent actions are those which set some of the ADO’s dials. Specifically, MaintainGap, ForcedVelocity, VisualState, and AudioState. These actions need to be reset, with the reset action, if they will be changed. For example, if you set an ADO’s visual state to display its brake lights, you could not immediately turn on its turn signals. You would have to reset its Visual State and then set it to display brake lights. The ISAT manual gives more specifics on ADO dials and whether they are persistent or not.

Figure 4 shows the settings for a trigger in ISAT-Samples-Avoid.scn. It is described here because it shows how to coordinate several actions at once. The trigger is named: Avoid RPT Move Second Follower. At this point in the scenario, there are two vehicles which have their MaintainGap dial set such that they are following the External Driver at a fixed distance. The first action of the trigger is to create three Time Triggers to do other actions. Then 0.1 seconds later it resets the MaintainGap dial on the vehicle named Second Follower, then 0.1 seconds after that it sets the MaintainGap dial of Second Follower to a different value. It could not do another action after this since MaintainGap is a persistent action and would never be completed.

So the right-most of the three created triggers is a Time Trigger, with a firing time of zero, meaning it will fire as soon as it is created. It resets the MaintainGap dial on the event van, and then gives that dial another setting, making the Event Van move closer to the External Driver.

The middle trigger is a Time Trigger with a firing time of zero, but an Activation Delay of five seconds. It will therefore fire five seconds after it is created. It affects the Second Follower by making it change lanes to the right. This action could not be done as part of the trigger shown below since its final action, setting the MaintainGap dial, will never be complete.

The left most, of the three triggers, is also a Time Trigger, with an Activation Delay of 10 seconds. It fires and resets the Second Follower’s MaintainGap, and then sets it ForcedVelocity dial to 83 mph so that it speeds out ahead of the Driver.

Figure 4 – Sequential Action Example

Sample Scenarios

The data directory contains a few sample scenarios that illustrate some of the points in this document, as well as showing how to author simple events.


In this scenario there is an incursion from the right. Figure 5 shows a view of the main action. The selected trigger creates the incurring vehicle (the white car), when the driver is 1.85 seconds away from the driveway. The Roadpad Trigger next to is set to make the oncoming car slow down, to simulate another driver attempting to avoid the accident. The Roadpad Trigger also creates the TimeTrigger above which sets the ForcedLaneOffset of that oncoming vehicle, causing it to also pull off the road in an attempt to avoid the accident.

To get the oncoming car to always be in the correct location, it (and another vehicle behing it) are created 2,500 feet from the event, when the driver is 2,500 feet from the event. As soon as it is created, it hits a Roadpad Trigger which sets its ForcedVelocity Dial to match the velocity of the driver, and also sets the ForcedVelocity Dial of the car behind it. This setting is shown in Figure 6. Creating the car this way ensures that no matter the speed of the driver, it will always be at the appropriate distance from the event.

Figure 5 – Incursion From Right Scenario
Figure 6 – Oncoming Match Driver’s Velocity


This scenario is similar to the right incursion, except the incursion occurs from the left. A car pulling out into the road, causes the car behind it to pull into the driver’s lane. The oncoming car is set to be at the correct distance from the event, in the same manner as the right incursion scenario. Figure 7 shows the event location with the TimeToArrival Trigger which creates the pulling out car when the driver is six seconds away. The other TimeToArrival Trigger causes the oncoming car to pull into the driver’s lane when the driver is 3 seconds from the event.

This scenario also uses traffic, parked vehicles, and signs, as an external reference from the right scenario.

Figure 7 - Incursion From Left


In this scenario, the driver is instructed to stay in the right lane. When the cars that are following the driver, get to the four lane portion of the road they start to pass the driver.

Eventually a construction van passes the driver and maintains its position in front of the driver. Within that van is a desk named AvoidDesk. Its settings are shown in Figure 8. Even though the desk is on the ground, somewhere in the scenario, when the scenario starts it is coupled to the van, sitting at 1.46 feet above the center of the van, as shown by its Relative Offset settings.

'Figure 8 - Desk Settings

Figure 10 shows the three triggers that cause the event. The first trigger starts the van doors opening, and is shown in Figure 11. Opening of the doors is a visual state. Since the van has no other visual state set, the dial does not need to be reset, before it is set. The next trigger causes the desk to start sliding, relative to the van, and its settings are shown in Figure 12. It does this by changing its state from Coupled (state 2) to Relative (state 3). When it is moving in the Relative state, it is following its own path, but moving relative to the van in which is initially located. The actual path of the Desk is shown in Figure 9. The last trigger, shown in Figure 13, drops the desk, by changing its state to free (state 1). When its state changes, it receives the Initial Velocity shown in Figure 8, where the first three components are the x, y, and z components. While the last three are the roll, pitch, and yaw components.

Figure 9 - Desk in Scenario

Figure 10 - Avoid Triggers
Figure 11 - Open Van Doors
Figure 12 - Slide Desk
Figure 13 - Drop Desk


This scenario has two traffic light intersections, and the Traffic Light Manager has been used to set the traffic light pattern.

ISAT Scripting

ISAT uses a custom language (ISC) to automate placement and manipulation of scenario objects. Combined with simple direction commands and the capability to navigate a road network, ISC scripts can ask the scenario author for input and prompt for selecting objects.

Scripts are an efficient way to automate repetitive and/or complex tasks.

ISAT installs with some ISC script files. If your version of ISAT contains a data\isc folder, then your version of ISAT is capable of running scripts. You can create additional scripts as needed. All scripts located in the data\isc folder will load in ISAT when ISAT is launched.

New scripts created during an existing ISAT session will not appear until ISAT is re-launched.

Scripts that have been edited will not update until ISAT is re-launched.

You can use these scripts for reference in creating your own custom scripts.

Unless otherwise indicated, scripts are case-sensitive.

NOTE: Please do not edit the existing scripts!

Make a copy of any existing script before you make changes. In the event your modified script does not work, you can look at the original file for reference.

Icon Files

Script icon files are 8-bit windows icon files (file.ico). GIMP is capable of exporting valid ico files. To create an ico file, scale it to 32x32 pixels. Export the file as .ico to the isat\data\isc folder.

In order for a script to use an icon file, both files must exist in the isat\data\isc folder.


This section contains example scripts.

Rotate sign

# prompt author for a sign to rotate

.Name SetSignRotation

.Icon SignRot.ico

Static sign

Select(sign,"Please Select a Sign")




File:ISC_Image2011_ISC.pdfImage ISC Paper