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Searching publications for: older driver

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2 items found.Page: 1  
Author(s) Title Abstract Publication Date
Timothy Brown, Yefei He, Cheryl Roe, Tom SchnellIs More Better? Night Vision Enhancement System's Pedestrian Warning Modes and Older Drivers
Journal paper
Pedestrian fatalities as a result of vehicle collisions are much more likely to happen at night than during day time. Poor visibility due to darkness is believed to be one of the causes for the higher ...1/1/2010
Dawn Marshall, Susan Chrysler, Kayla SmithOlder Drivers Acceptance of In-vehicle Systems and the Effect it has on Safety
Project report
Older drivers make up the fastest growing segment of the driving population and are, in general, underrepresented in vehicle crashes due to their self-restrictive driving habits. However, as the baby- ...11/13/2014
Page: 1  

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