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Searching publications for: NADS-1

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Author(s) Title Abstract Publication Date
Omar Ahmad, David Heitbrink, Chris Schwarz, Gregory WagnerMeasuring the Latency of the NADS-1 Simulator
Conference paper
A simulator’s latency or transport delay refers to the time delay between an operator input and the associated the visual output. In the world of driving simulators, latency measures how much time e ...6/28/2016
Omar Ahmad, Timothy BrownA Comparison of Transportation Research Driving Simulators
Technical note
In considering the available simulators for use in automotive research, the primary considerations are availability for public research, visual system capacity, motion cuing capacity, and sufficient s ...6/5/2016
David Heitbrink, Andrew Veit, Dave Muller, Stephen CableNADS Imaging System Upgrade
Conference paper
After many years of service, the National Advanced Driving Simulator needed a new imaging system. The existing projectors and image generator [IG] had become outdated and worn out. The old projector s ...7/7/2015
Chris Schwarz, Yefei He, Andrew VeitEye Tracking in a COTS PC-based Driving Simulator: Implementation and Applications
Conference paper
An eye tracker has been integrated with the NADS MiniSim, a COTS PC-based driving simulator based on the large motion-based NADS-1. This work was motivated by increasing use of eye tracker data for bo ...6/1/2011
Chris Schwarz, Samantha Hench, Brian Gilmore, Bernie Romig, Ginger Watson, Jeff Dolan, Shawn Allen, Stephen CableDevelopment of an Off-Road Agricultural Virtual Proving Ground
Conference paper
A virtual proving ground (VPG) was developed for use in agricultural applications using the National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS). The VPG environment consists of a real-time tractor dynamics mod ...10/8/2003
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