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Special considerations in distracted driving with teens

Document Number:N2014-025
Document Type:Journal paper
Author(s):Dennis Durbin
Daniel McGehee
Donald Fisher
Anne McCartt
Publication / Venue Name:Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine
Publication Date:2014-01-01
Abstract:Novice teen drivers have long been known to have an increased risk of crashing, as well as increased tendencies toward unsafe and risky driving behaviors. Teens are unique as drivers for several reasons, many of which have implications specifically in the area of distracted driving. This paper reviews several of these features, including the widespread prevalence of mobile device use by teens, their lack of driving experience, the influence of peer passengers as a source of distraction, the role of parents in influencing teens' attitudes and behaviors relevant to distracted driving and the impact of laws designed to prevent mobile device use by teen drivers. Recommendations for future research include understanding how engagement in a variety of secondary tasks by teen drivers affects their driving performance or crash risk; understanding the respective roles of parents, peers and technology in influencing teen driver behavior; and evaluating the impact of public policy on mitigating teen crash risk related to driver distraction.
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Copyright:None listed
Keywords:None listed

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