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Technology Demonstration Study Technical Report

Document Number:N2016-021
Document Type:Project report
Author(s):Ashley B. McDonald
Michelle L. Reyes
Cheryl A. Roe
Julia E. Friberg
Kayla S. Faust
Daniel V. McGehee
Publication / Venue Name:None listed
Publication Date:2016-12-01
Abstract:Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are making striking and rapid market penetration in the consumer vehicle market. However, many consumers have little to no experience with these technologies prior to finding themselves behind the wheel. Results from the National Consumer Survey of Driving Safety Technologies conducted by the University of Iowa (UI) found driver uncertainty about technologies that are not only new and emerging, but also with ADAS technologies that have been standard for several years. As ADAS technologies quickly evolve and integrate with other in-vehicle features, this may leave consumers without the education and information needed on how to most effectively use these technologies.

The MyCarDoesWhat national education campaign, led by the UI and the National Safety Council, seeks to educate the American driving public on how to most effectively use ADAS technologies when behind the wheel of a vehicle equipped with these features.

Designed to support the broader MyCarDoesWhat campaign effort, the Technology Demonstration Study (TDS) was conducted to provide insights and understanding into driver attitudes toward and knowledge about several of the emerging ADAS technologies. Focusing on drivers who did not have prior experience or exposure to several of the ADAS technologies included in the study, a total of 120 participants, evenly split by gender, were exposed to four different learning protocols that included reading an owner's manual and experiencing a ride-along demonstration drive for five different ADAS technologies: adaptive cruise control, blind spot monitor, lane keeping assist, parallel parking assist, and rear cross traffic alert.

The TDS is the first study of its kind to comprehensively measure driver attitudes toward and knowledge about the five ADAS technologies included the study. The TDS greatly adds to the scientific knowledge base of driver understanding and human factors issues to be considered for future evaluation as these technologies continue to increase in market penetration. The TDS will serve as a model base to continue to measure and evaluate drivers’ attitudes toward and knowledge about current and future vehicle technologies.
Copyright:None listed
adaptive cruise control
blind spot monitoring
lane keeping assist
parallel parking assist
rear cross traffic alert

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