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Measuring the Latency of the NADS-1 Simulator

Document Number:N2016-022
Document Type:Conference paper
Author(s):Omar Ahmad
David Heitbrink
Chris Schwarz
Gregory Wagner
Publication / Venue Name:IMAGE 2016 Conference
Publication Date:2016-06-28
Abstract:A simulator’s latency or transport delay refers to the time delay between an operator input and the associated the visual output. In the world of driving simulators, latency measures how much time elapses between a specific driving input (steering, brake, throttle) and visually being able to see the result of that input on the visual display. The NADS-1 has recently undergone several enhancements that we anticipate will result in lower latency. This paper will describe the methodology that we use to measure the latency. We will compare and contrast the latency of the updated system against latency values from a decade ago. Will then discuss the reasons for the differences in latency between the old and the updated system.
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