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Yuqing Wu, Linda Ng Boyle, Daniel McGehee, Cheryl A. Roe, Kazutoshi Ebe, James Foley | Journal paper | Data from a naturalistic driving study was used to examine foot placement during routine foot pedal movements and possible pedal misapplications. The study included four weeks of observations from 30 ... | 2/1/2017 |
Kari Harland, Cher Carney, Daniel McGehee | Journal paper | OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and odds of fleet driver errors and potentially distracting behaviors just prior to rear-end versus angle crashes. METHODS: Analys ... | 7/3/2016 |
Cher Carney, Daniel McGehee, Kari Harland, Madonna Weiss, Mireille Raby |  Project report | (None listed) | 6/1/2016 |
Daniel McGehee, Cheryl Roe, Linda Ng Boyle, Yuqing Wu, Kazutoshi Ebe, James Foley, Linda Angell | Journal paper | Pedal misapplications may be rare, but the outcomes can be tragic. A naturalistic driving study with 30 drivers was conducted to gain a better understanding of foot pedal behaviors. Foot movements wer ... | 4/5/2016 |
Nicole Oneyear, Shauna Hallmark, Cher Carney, Daniel McGehee | Conference paper | (None listed) | 1/9/2016 |
Shauna Hallmark, Nicole Oneyear, Bo Wang, Samantha Tyner, Cher Carney, Daniel McGehee | Conference paper | The object of this research was to use naturalistic driving study data (NDS) to determine where drivers begin reacting to the presence of a curve. Understanding where drivers begin to react to the cur ... | 9/15/2015 |
Shauna Hallmark, Samantha Tyner, Nicole Oneyear, Cher Carney, Daniel McGehee | Journal paper | Introduction Over half of motor vehicle fatalities are roadway departures, with rural horizontal curves being of particular interest because they make up only a small share of the system mileage but h ... | 9/1/2015 |
Sheila Klauer, Jonathon Ehsani, Daniel McGehee, Michael Manser | Journal paper | PURPOSE: The purpose of this review was to synthesize the evidence of the effects of secondary task engagement on novice adolescent's driving performance and crash risk. METHODS: Searches of multiple ... | 7/1/2015 |
Sheila Klauer, Johnathon Ehsani, Daniel McGehee, Michael Manser | Journal paper | PURPOSE: The purpose of this review was to synthesize the evidence of the effects of secondary task engagement on novice adolescent's driving performance and crash risk. METHODS: Searches of multiple ... | 7/1/2015 |
Cher Carney, Daniel McGehee, Kari Harland, Madonna Weiss, Mireille Raby |  Project report | Objective, detailed and accurate data is critically important in the effort to determine the causes and contributing factors of crashes. In the past, the only way to obtain such information for a larg ... | 6/1/2015 |
Cher Carney, Daniel McGehee, Kari Harland, Madonna Weiss, Mireille Raby |  Project report | In this study, we conducted a large-scale comprehensive examination of naturalistic data from thousands of actual crashes involving teenage drivers. The data allowed us to examine behaviors and potent ... | 3/1/2015 |
Shauna Hallmark,Nicole Oneyear, Samantha Tyner, Bo Wang, Cher Carney, Daniel McGehee | Project report | TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-S08D-RW-1: Analysis of Naturalistic Driving Study Data: Roadway Departures on Rural Two-Lane Curves analyzes data from the SHRP 2 N ... | 8/28/2014 |
Daniel McGehee | Journal paper | Sources of distraction are numerous and varied, and defining and measuring distraction and attention is complicated. The driving task requires constant adjustments and reallocation of attention to cog ... | 3/1/2014 |
Cher Carney, Daniel McGehee, Michelle Reyes |  Project report | Naturalistic driving studies are the latest resource for gathering data associated with driver behavior. The University of Iowa has been studying teen driving using naturalistic methods since 2006. By ... | 1/1/2014 |
Daniel McGehee, Michelle Reyes, Cher Carney |  Project report | This project examines the effects of age, experience, and video-based feedback on the rate and type of safety-relevant events captured on video event recorders in the vehicles of three groups of newly ... | 2/6/2013 |
Daniel McGehee, Mireille Raby, Cher Carney, John Lee, Michelle Reyes | Journal paper | Teen drivers are at high risk for car crashes, especially during their first years of licensure. Providing novice teen drivers and their parents with a means of identifying their risky driving maneuve ... | 3/28/2007 |