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The Effects of Anabolic Steroids on Driving Performance as Assessed by the Iowa Driving Simulator

Document Number:N1997-004
Document Type:Journal paper
Author(s):Vicki L. Ellingrod
Paul J. Perry
William R. Yates
John H. MacIndoe
Ginger S. Watson
Stephan Arndt
Timothy L. Holman
Publication / Venue Name:AJDAA 23(4)
Publication Date:1997-11-01
Abstract:The effect of physiologic (100 mg/wk) and supraphysiologic (250 and 500 mg/wk) doses of testosterone cypionate (TC) on automobile driving were studied using the Iowa Driver Simulator. Six normal subject volunteers were studied off TC and on TC once steady-state concentrations were achieved after at least three weeks of dosing. Despite the administration of supraphysiologic testosterone doses, an increase in aggressive driving behavior was not detected. Likewise, corresponding psychometric testing using the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory to assess aggression was unable to detect any change in aggression in the test subjects. Although aggressive driving behavior may be increased by testosterone administration, the drug itself may not be responsible for these effects. Supraphysiologic doses greater than 500 mg/wk and a semi-controlled research environment may be necessary to produce this effect since case reports of AAS abuse causing altered driving behavior may be multifactorial in nature.
Body:No files listed
Copyright:Taylor & Francis

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