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Author(s) Title Abstract Publication Date
S.C.A. Thomopoulos, Y.E. Papelis, R. Tam, L. Nelson, D. PougouliasDesign of an integrated robot design and simulation system
Conference paper
(None listed)5/1/1988
S.C.A. Thomopoulos, Y.E. Papelis, R. TamIRODESS: Integrated Robot Design and Simulation System
Conference paper
(None listed)12/1/1989
Y.E. Papelis, T.L. CasavantMathematical modeling of petri-nets for development of parallel/distributed programs
Conference paper
(None listed)10/1/1990
Y.E. Papelis, T.L. CasavantXPAT: An interactive graphical tool for synthesis of concurrent software using petri nets
Conference paper
(None listed)8/1/1991
T.L. Casavant, J.A. Kohl, Y.E. PapelisPractical use of visualization for parallel systems
Conference paper
(None listed)1/1/1992
Y.E. Papelis, T.L. CasavantSpecification and Analysis of Parallel/Distributed Software and Systems by Petri Nets with Transition Enabling Functions
Conference paper
(None listed)3/1/1992
J.G. Kuhl, Y.E. Papelis, R.A. RomanoAn open software architecture for operator-in-the-loop simulator design and integration
Conference paper
(None listed)5/25/1992
J. Kuhl, Y. Papelis, R. RomanoAn open software architecture for operator-in-the-loop simulator design and integration
Book chapter
(None listed)1/1/1993
Y.E. Papelis, T.L. CasavantA tool-based approach to the design of hard real-time systems with varying temporal characteristics
Conference paper
(None listed)4/1/1993
J.G. Kuhl, Y.E. PapelisA software architecture for operator-in-the-loop simulator design and integration
Conference paper
(None listed)4/1/1993
Y.E. Papelis, T.L. Casavant, J.G. KuhlA tool-based approach to the design of hard real-time systems with varying temporal characteristics
Conference paper
(None listed)9/1/1993
Y.E. PapelisThe software architecture of the Iowa Driving Simulator
Conference paper
(None listed)11/1/1993
Matthew Rizzo, Ginger S. Watson, Daniel V. McGehee, Thomas A. DingusSimulator Driving and Car Crashes in Alzheimer Disease
Conference paper
(None listed)1/1/1994
J. Cremer, J. Kearney, Y.E. Papelis, R.A. RomanoThe software architecture for scenario control in the Iowa Driving Simulator
Conference paper
(None listed)5/4/1994
Y. PapelisTerrain modeling issues for high fidelity ground vehicle simulators
Conference paper
Distributed interactive simulation (DIS) involves a large number of geographically dispersed operator-in-the-loop simulators interacting in the same virtual environment. Recently, the ability of DIS i ...12/7/1994
Daniel V. McGehee, T.A. Dingus, Y.E. Papelis, M.J. BartelmeThe use of specialized scenes and scenarios on the Iowa Driving Simulator for the evaluation of rear-end crash avoidance performance
Conference paper
(None listed)1/1/1995
J. Freeman, G. Watson, Y. Papelis, A. Tayyab, R.A. Romano, J.G. KuhlThe Iowa Driving Simulator: An implementation and application overview
Conference paper
(None listed)2/27/1995
J. Cremer, J. Kearney, Y. PapelisHCSM: A Framework for Behavior and Scenario Control in Virtual Environments
Conference paper
(None listed)7/1/1995
J.G. Kuhl, D. Evans, Y. Papelis, R. Romano, G. WatsonThe Iowa Driving Simulator: An Immersive Environment for Driving-Related Research and Development
Journal paper
(None listed)7/1/1995
Y. Papelis, S. BahauddinLogical modeling of roadway environments to support real-time simulation of autonomous traffic
Conference paper
(None listed)7/13/1995
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