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Michelle Reyes, John Lee, Yulan Liang, Joshua Hoffman, Ritchie Huang |  Conference paper | Measuring driver response to in-vehicle human-machine interface (HMI) systems is critical for the automotive design and evaluation process. Physiological measures provide a useful complement to perfor ... | 6/22/2009 |
Timothy Brown, Dary Fiorentino, Sue Ellen Salisbury, John Lee, Jane Moeckli |  Project report | (None listed) | 2/20/2009 |
Michelle Reyes, John Lee | Journal paper | This study examined the effects of cognitive load on driving performance for interactions with an in-vehicle information system (IVIS) that varied in duration from 1 to 4 min. Twelve participants drov ... | 11/1/2008 |
Chris Schwarz |  Technical note | (None listed) | 9/24/2007 |
David Heitbrink, Stephen Cable |  Conference paper | An integral part of any interactive simulation is sound. Traditionally this has been done with a high cost proprietary costume hardware/software solution. Recently we decided upgrade our sound system, ... | 9/12/2007 |
Ben Dow, Timothy Brown, Cheryl Roe, Chris Schwarz, Zach Bonefas, Jerry Duncan, Julian Sanchez |  Conference paper | With the advancement of technology, the presence of automated systems has continued to increase in a variety of environments, including ground transportation. A continuing challenge with increased aut ... | 9/1/2007 |
Cheryl Roe, Timothy Brown, Ginger Watson |  Conference paper | Sickness related to simulator use is a common problem that researchers face when designing experiments. The amount of time in the simulator, the number and length of drives, and the type of maneuver c ... | 9/1/2007 |
Daniel McGehee, Cher Carney, Mireille Raby, John Lee, Michelle Reyes |  Conference paper | This study examines the ability of an event-triggered video system to extend parental involvement into the independent driving phase of newly licensed teen drivers. The system provides both immediate ... | 7/1/2007 |
Yulan Liang, Michelle Reyes, John Lee | Journal paper | As use of in-vehicle information systems (IVISs) such as cell phones, navigation systems, and satellite radios has increased, driver distraction has become an important and growing safety concern. A p ... | 6/4/2007 |
Yulan Liang, Michelle Reyes, John Lee | Journal paper | Driver distraction has become an important and growing safety concern as the use of in-vehicle information systems (IVISs), such as cell phones and navigation systems, continues to increase. One appro ... | 6/1/2007 |
John Lee, Daniel McGehee, Timothy Brown, J. Nakamoto | Journal paper | Adaptive cruise control (ACC) requires that the driver intervene in situations that exceed the capability of ACC. A brake pulse might provide a particularly compatible means of alerting the driver to ... | 6/1/2007 |
Daniel McGehee, Mireille Raby, Cher Carney, John Lee, Michelle Reyes | Journal paper | Teen drivers are at high risk for car crashes, especially during their first years of licensure. Providing novice teen drivers and their parents with a means of identifying their risky driving maneuve ... | 3/28/2007 |
Yefei He |   Technical note | The NADS MiniSim driving simulator is a highly flexible PC-based driving simulation system. It uses the same advanced technologies built into the more sophisticated large NADS simulators, at a fractio ... | 9/30/2006 |
Chris Schwarz |   Technical note | The National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS) vehicle dynamics models are high-fidelity multi-body models. Suspension elements are modeled as bodies, in addition to the chassis; and non-linear relati ... | 8/14/2006 |
Ginger S. Watson, Yiannis E. Papelis, Omar Ahmad |  Conference paper | The mission of the National Advanced Driving Simulator is to conduct highway safety research that will reduce the annual loss of life on US roadways. The NADS is particularly well suited in its abilit ... | 1/22/2006 |
Yiannis Papelis, Omar Ahmad, Ginger Watson |  Conference paper | For many reasons, the development of a quantitative methodology for describing driving simulation scenarios has been elusive. Without a quantitative technique for describing scenarios, portability suf ... | 11/30/2005 |
Chris Schwarz |  Conference paper | Limited workspace is a challenge for all motion-based simulators, whether they are large excursion systems, like the NADS, or smaller simulators utilizing only Stewart Platforms. Two approaches for ad ... | 11/1/2005 |
Sunil Bulusu, Yiannis Papelis, Bin Chen, Matt Schikore, Omar Ahmad |  Conference paper | A key problem with data collected during experimental studies is the expeditious reduction and delivery of reduced data. It is not unusual to generate over 500 MB of raw data for a 20-minute drive on ... | 11/1/2005 |
Weidong Pan, Yiannis Papelis |   Journal paper | This paper presents an approach to real-time dynamic simulation of vehicles with electronic stability control (ESC). The approach involves the integration of ESC software into the powertrain and brake ... | 11/1/2005 |
Judith Wightman, Ginger Watson |  Presentation | This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the data verification process at the NADS. Please ask Melanie for the accompanying video clips. | 9/1/2005 |